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This page lists the meetings for Executive.


Information about Executive

The Executive is a group of Councillors made up of the Leader of the Council, who is chosen by the Full Council, and up to 9 other Councillors, called Lead Members, who are appointed by the Leader.


Apart from specific functions listed as Council functions in legislation all other responsibilities rest with the Leader and the Executive. These are called “executive functions”.


A specific area of responsibility is called a Portfolio and where a Councillor is assigned that area of responsibility that Councillor is also called a Lead Member.


Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Governance and Communications: Cllr Bill Revans


·   Overall responsibility for the Council and its organisational design

·   Developing and Setting the Strategy and Council Plan for the whole organisation

·   Providing overall leadership and direction working closely with the rest of the Executive and the Senior Leadership Team

·   Working closely with the Executive in decision making to develop effective council policies and the delivery of high quality cost effective services

·   Regional, national and international affairs

·   Developing and maintaining strategic relationships and relationships with key partners


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Resources, Strategy and Transformation:

·   Governance, Democratic and Legal Services

·   Communications


To appoint and hold the Executive, Lead Members and Associate Lead Members to account for their areas of responsibility including financial and operational performance and meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan


Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Member Finance, Procurement and Performance:  Cllr Liz Leyshon


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Resources, Strategy and Transformation:

·   Finance and Procurement

·   Strategy and Performance

·   Revenues and Benefits


Lead Member for developing the Medium Term Financial Plan.


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Lead Member for Adults Services, Housing and Homelessness: Cllr Sarah Wakefield


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and all the services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Adult Services and Housing:

·       Adult and Health Operations

·       Adults Commissioning

·       Housing and Homelessness

To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan


Lead Member for Children, Families and Education: Cllr Heather Shearer


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and all services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Children, Families and Education Services:

·       Children and Families

·       Commissioning and Performance

·       Education

·       Public Health Nursing


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets: Cllr Mike Rigby


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Community, Place and Economy:

·       Economic development and skills

·       Digital connectivity

·       Employment

·       Planning

·       Strategic Asset Management


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Lead Member for Transport and Waste Services: Cllr Richard Wilkins


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director Community, Place and Economy:

·       Infrastructure and Transport

·       Waste collection and disposal


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan


Lead Member for Public Health, Climate Change and Environment: Cllr Graham Oakes


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Resources, Strategy and Transformation and the Executive Director for Community, Place and Economy:

·       Protection of the Public’s Health

·       Public Health Commissioning

·       Community Safety Partnership

·       Improving the health of the local population

·       Climate, Environment and Sustainability


Lead Member for Public Health and Health and Well-Being


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Lead Member for Communities, Housing Revenue Account, Culture and Equalities and Diversity: Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Adults Services and Housing, Executive Director for Resources, Strategy and Transformation and Executive Director Community, Place and Economy:

·       Housing Revenue Account

·       Customer Services

·       Cultural Services

·       Regulatory and Operational Services

·       Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Lead member for equalities and diversity


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Lead Member for Transformation, Human Resources and Localities: Cllr Theo Butt Philip


Lead Member for the following executive areas of responsibility and these services under the responsibility of the Executive Director for Strategy, Workforce and Localities:

·       Human Resources and Organisational Development

·       Partnerships and Localities

·       Transformation and Digital Services


To be accountable for policy development and the financial and operational performance of services within their area of responsibility, including meeting the requirements of the Council Plan and the Medium Term Financial Plan


Associate Lead Members:-

Associate Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Housing – Cllr Fran Smith

Associate Lead Member for Business Strategy – Cllr David Woan

Associate Lead Member for Children’s Services and Education Strategy – Cllr Jo Roundell Greene

Associate Lead Member for Climate Change and Active Travel – Cllr Oliver Patrick

Associate Lead Member for Culture and Leisure – Cllr Nicola Clark

Associate Lead Member for Localities (LCNS) and Public Health – Cllr Val Keitch


Opposition Spokespersons:-


Leader of the Opposition & Opposition Lead for Governance & Communications

Mandy Chilcott

Deputy Leader of the Opposition & Opposition Lead Member for Finance, Procurement & Performance

Diogo Rodrigues

Opposition Lead Member for Adult Services, Housing and Homelessness

Lucy Trimnell

Opposition Lead Member for Children, Families and Education

Frances Nicholson

Opposition Lead Member for Transport & Waste

Andy Dingwall

Opposition Lead Member for Communities, Housing Revenue Account, Culture, Equalities & Diversity

Suria Aujla

Opposition Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets

Sue Osborne

Opposition Lead Member for Public Health, Climate Change & Environment

Dawn Denton

Opposition Lead Member for Transformation, Human Resources & Localities

Faye Purbrick


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on