Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet BA4 5BT. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Decision: Apologies for absence were received fromCllr Marcus Kravis (Cllr MikeRigby as sub), Cllr Tom Power, Cllr Adam Boydon (Cllr Ashton as sub), Cllr Rob Reed (Cllr Martin Lovell as sub) Minutes: Apologies for absence were received fromCllr Marcus Kravis (Cllr MikeRigby as sub), Cllr Tom Power, Cllr Adam Boydon (Cllr Ashton as sub), Cllr Rob Reed (Cllr Martin Lovell as sub) |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting. (The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Decision: There were no declarations of interest received. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes from the Previous Meetings To approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on · Wednesday 20th March 2024. · Friday 26th April 2024 – Special Water Quality in Somerset meeting. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
That the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd March 2024 be approved as a correct record. That the minutes of the Special meeting held on 26thApril 2024 be approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendments;
Item 9: Recommendations 4 & 5 to be swapped around and numbered as agreed at the meeting, Item 9:A member asked for it to be notedthat some members had understood the proposed task and finish group would also look at how to bring the Somerset Levels and Moors back into favourable conditions.
Minutes: Resolved That the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd March 2024 be approved as a correct record. That the minutes of the Special meeting held on 26thApril 2024 be approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendments
Item 9: Recommendations 4 & 5 to be swapped around and numbered as agreed at the previous the meeting, Item 9:A member asked that it be notedthat some members had understood the proposed task and finish group would also look at how to bring the Somerset Levels and Moors back into favourable conditions.
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme. For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue. We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’. Decision: One member of the public, Mr David Orr, had registered to speak at the meeting.
The committee heard Mr Orr’s statement and the response from Somerset Council officers, and the Chair advised that Mr Orr would receive a full written response within 5 days of the meeting. Minutes:
The Chair advised that Mr David Orr, who was in attendance online, had submitted a statement and that this would be read out immediatelypreceding item 7 on the agenda.
Scrutiny Climate and Place Work Programme To receive an update from the Service Manager, Governance Scrutiny. To assist the discussion, the following documents are attached:-
(a) The Committee’s forward plan (b) The Committee’s outcome tracker
Please use the following links to view the latest Somerset Council Forward Plans and Executive Forward Plan of planned key decisions that have been published on the Council’s website:
Somerset Council Forward Plans
Somerset Council Executive Forward Plan
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair asked Jamie Jackson, Governance Manager, Scrutiny to present the committees Forward work plan and Outcome tracker. He invited comments and questions from members and the following points were raised and discussed · A member requested an update on the status of the recommendations from this committee, regarding the Somerset Energy Investment Plan and when these would be taken to the Executive. The Service Manager for Economy, Employment and Planning advised that this due to be discussed soon,and an update will be brought back to the committee as soon as possible. · A member pointed out that details of the Scrutiny Committee Climate and Place Forward Plan, as printed in the agenda, is not visible under the Forward Plans section of the Somerset Councilwebsite, and was advised that this would be rectified by Democratic Services.
Additional documents: Decision: The committee noted the presentation. Minutes: The Chair welcomed Tim Stephens, Catchment Partnerships Advisor,Wessex Water and Shane Rothwell from Lancaster University and thanked them for returning to give this presentation that was deferred from the Special Water Quality meeting on 26th April 2024 due to running out of time. Tim Stephens provided some context for thepresentation and explained that he was in attendancerepresenting all the key stakeholders that havecommissioned Lancaster University to carry out this research project across all of the Somerset catchments, the Brue & Axe, Parrett, Tone and Ramsar IRZ. Shane Rothwell from Lancaster University talked members through the data and findings from the project which was being undertaken in two phases.The first phase to better understand food system P input pressures on the Somerset Levels and Moors and Dorset Stour catchments potentially impacting water quality and how they might be alleviated, and the second phase, which is still underway, to quantify how the past (Historic analysis) and present (SFA) P input pressures from the agricultural sector link to river P status, and the prospects for reducing the P pollution threat. Shane Rothwell invited comments and questions from members and the following points were discussed. · Clarity that this research is based on sampling across the whole Somerset catchment, and not specific to the Somerset Levels and Moors. Tim Stephens added that there is an intention to some more detailed analysis of the Levels and Moors in the future. · Does ‘zero P’ surplus mean no livestock and fertilisers, but considering the crops that are absorbing the P that is coming from those sources? Mr Rothwell explained that surplus P could be reduced by reducing livestock, although this is not favourable as the only approach, and by manure export, and this brings its own challenges. · RegardingLegacy P – Legacy P remains in the soil and to remove and achieve Zero P it needs to be drawn down by farming the land without adding more P (fertiliser). The timescales for how long it would take to reach zero P in this way are not fully understood but could take decades. · This research will not go through a peer review system at this time,but has been reviewed by technical specialists from partners such as the Environment Agency. · The river sampling data was collectedby the Environment Agency using the spot sampling method. · A member referred to baseline data that he had seen that suggested that in 2019 Wessex Waters contribution to P in the river systems was 52%, would we expect that this has fallen after the amp 7 study? Mr Rothwell advised that he would check this and respond to the member directly. · Phase 2 shows a strong link between Intensive agricultural practices(in response to increasinglyhigh demand for food)and high levels ofP in Somerset’s waterways. Phase 3 of the research ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Executive response to Scrutiny committee recommendations from Special meeting on 26th April 2024 To receive a verbal update on the feedback from the Executive (5th June 2024 meeting), to the Scrutiny recommendations report from the special Water Quality in Somerset meeting held on Friday 26th April 2024.
Executive Report - Scrutiny Recommendations Water Quality.pdf (
Decision: The committee noted the response to the Scrutiny recommendations report.
In summary, the Chair asked that those members of Scrutiny Climate and Place Committee who would like to sit on a Task and Finish group (Scrutiny recommendation 4) should look to arrange a members-only meeting, to discuss if and how the debate can be taken forward, as soon as possible. Minutes: The Chair invited Jamie Jackson, Governance Manager to read aloud a statement submitted by Mr David Orr (Supplement Pack 1 Page31-32). Kate Murdoch, Strategic Manager Planning Policyand Implementation thanked Mr Orr for his statement and gave her responses to his statement as follows “We elect Councillors to make Somerset the best place it can be. You are in charge of policy, Officers advise.
The current nutrient neutrality policy is, I feel, an act of unnecessary self-harm which is damaging Somerset.”
Nutrient Neutrality is not policy it is national advice from Natural England as the Statutory Nature Conservation Body. Local authorities are the ultimate decision-makers, but they are required by law to consult NE as part of the habitats assessment process, to give NE’s advice considerable weight, and to provide cogent reasons if they depart from it.
“The KC draft opinion was received by this Council. A verbal and undocumented meeting took place, when the KC was instructed that all Wessex Water headroom at their works had been used up by previous planning permissions. The draft opinion and the meeting notes are withheld. In my opinion, the officers attending the verbal briefing of the KC were not senior enough. Nor was Wessex Water, as a strategic partner, allowed to participate as subject matter experts. Planning Officers are not qualified water industry engineers. The Council’s view that all the headroom at Taunton’s wastewater works has been used up, makes no sense.” This is covered in the Executive Report under paragraphs 19-23 and will also be covered in the presentation. However, if evidence is provided to demonstrate improvements to the Taunton wastewater treatment works have been provided to ensure the future housing growth is mitigated for to ensure a nutrient neutral impact on the Ramsar sites, rather than just accommodated to ensure operation within a permit limit, the Council will consider this evidence.
“The District Council planned for 17,000 new homes by 2028. Of the 18,000 held-up homes across Somerset, 10,000 lie within Taunton Deane. I regard the KC opinion made after the confidential verbal briefing as unsound. I recommend that this Council work collaboratively with Wessex Water to transparently document the headroom across the catchment area. Then instruct the KC to re-assess his advice following a new written instruction based on that documented and verified work. The Habitats Regulation requires a precautionary approach but doesn’t give a number. In 2024, despite improvements, there is still an assumption that 100% of phosphates from new homes gets on to the Moors and Levels daily, then another 20% is added.” The 20% buffer is addressed in the Executive Report in paragraphs 7-11. The buffer is included in all the national nutrient load calculators and is based on Natural England advice as the Statutory Nature Conservation Body. The buffer ensures the mitigation measures satisfy the precautionary approach legally required by the Habitat Regulations.
“Since 2018, Wessex Water ... view the full minutes text for item 76. |
Update on Waste Services To receive an update on Waste Services.
See Executive report agenda Item 12, Wednesday 8th May 2024.
Decision: Item deferred to the next meeting. Minutes: The Chairadvised that several committee members would be attending the6thJune 2024 Strategic Planning committee meeting at 1.30pm, and as such, agenda item 8 has beendeferred to the next meeting.
Items for Information This is a standing agenda item for ‘information only’ that cover the Committee’s policy areas.
Members are asked to note the following items for information -
1) Development of the Economic Strategy 2) Connecting Devon and Somerset 3) Local Nature Recovery strategy 4) Bus service improvement plan
Additional documents:
Decision: Item deferred to the next meeting. Minutes: The Chair advised that several committee members would be attending the 6th June 2024 Strategic Planning committee meeting at 1.30pm, and as such, agenda item 9 has been deferred to the next meeting. |