Committee details

Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Purpose of committee

Every council with an executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees to perform this function:

·       Adults and Health

·       Children and Families

·       Climate and Place

·       Communities

·       Corporate and Resources


The scrutiny committees each fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies made by the Executive.


Climate and Place

Functional areas that are the responsibility of the Committee are as follows:


Climate, Environment and Sustainability:

·       Carbon Neutrality

·       Climate Resilience and Adaptation

·       Renewable Energy

·       Country Parks, Local Nature Recovery Strategy, Local Nature Reserves, AONB Partnerships (Countryside Services)

·       Biodiversity (and net gain) and Ecology

·       Sustainability

·       Waste Service

·       Emergency Planning and Business Continuity

·       Water Management

·       Flooding Response

·       Coastal Protection Authority

·       Somerset Rivers Authority


Infrastructure & Transport:

·       Highways Authority

·       Public Rights of Way

·       Parking

·       Active Travel

·       Traffic Management

·       Transport

·       Public Transport

·       Fleet Management

·       Contracted Transport

·       Strategic Transport Planning

·       Road Safety

·       Infrastructure Commissioning


Economy, Employment & Planning:

·       Economic Development

·       Planning (conservation, enforcement, DM, local plan, waste and minerals, s106 allocations/CIL, Phosphates)

·       Affordable Housing and Enabling

·       City/Town Centre Management

·       Trading Standards (Devon partnership)

·       Skills

·       Education Business Partnership

·       Economic infrastructure , services and Innovation Centres

·       Regeneration (non-housing)

·       Major Projects

·       Nuclear Power

·       Scientific Services


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services Email: