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SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)

This page lists the meetings for SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).


Information about SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)

Group A: Christian and other religious representation

Rhona Burfield

Eleanor Delaney

Mark Caney

Pat Ebdon

Mike Keogh

Leonard Daniels


Group B: Church of England

Pauline Dodds

Jessica Witchell

Penny Jerrard

Jude Clements


Group C: Education representation

Rachelle Billington

Peter Elliot

Mark Lockwood

Niel Apps


Group D: Local authority representation

Cllr Sarah Wakefield

Cllr Frances Nicholson

Cllr Tim Kerley

Amelia Walker

Alison Jeffrey

Kate Daunton


Co-opted member:

Bernardo Kerr


Additional attendees without voting rights:

Shell Sullivan

Rebekah Guy