Register of interests

Councillor Lee Baker

I, Councillor Lee Baker a Member of Somerset Council ((the 'Council') give notice that I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests, and those of my spouse/civil partner (or person with whom I am living as such) of which I am aware, which I am required to declare under the Council's Code of Conduct. These include any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (sections 1 to 5 below) under sections 29 to 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, and I have put 'none' where I/my spouse/civil partner (or person with whom I am living as such) have no such interests under any heading. Section 6 of the form relates to Personal Interests.

1. Please state your employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships?
Description of your employment activity Name of Employer or Body
Bank Official Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Partner- Retired Bank Official TSB BANKING GROUP PLC(Retired)
Partner- Administrative Worker Beehive Storage Taunton
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses?
Name of Person or Body making payments
Member of the Liberal Democrats
Partner- None
3. Do you have any contracts with Somerset Council?
Description of Contract
Partner- None
4. Do you have interests in companies or securities of a body, with premises or land in the County?
Name of Company
Lloyds Banking Group PLC- Shares and Investments Held and Company Pension Scheme Held- Exact Values Unknown
Partner- Lloyds Banking Group PLC and TBS Banking Group PLC Shares and Investments Held and Company Pension Scheme Held- Exact Values Unknown
5. Do you own, rent, or occupy property or land in Somerset? You must include the land and house you, or your partner, live in.
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies where the Council is the Landlord?
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
No -
Partner-No -
7. Do you have any Licenses to occupy land in the County?
Address/Description of Land
8. Have you been appointed by this Council to Outside Bodies?
Name of Organisation Position
Exmoor National Park Authority Member
Quantock Hills AONB Member
9. Do you hold membership of other Public Authorities?
Name of Organisation Position
No -
10. Do you hold membership of any body established for charitable purposes?
Name of Organisation Position
Quantock Lodge of Freemasons Member
Exmoor Lodge of Freemasons Member
Football Lodge of Freemasons Member
Somerset Air Ambulance Member
11. Do you hold membership of bodies influencing Public Opinion or Policy (including any political party)?
Name of Organisation Position
Liberal Democrat Member
12. Do you hold membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations?
Name of Organisation
Member of Lloyds Group
Corporate Member of CLA Agriculture
Member and Advances open water diver for PADI- Scuba Diving
Member and Player for Over 50's and Member of the Somerset Clubs Cricket Board for Somerset County Cricket Club
Member of Norwich City Football Club
Member, Player and Treasurer of Cut combe Cricket Club
Member, Player and Treasurer of Minehead United Banks Cricket Club
Member of the Referees Association
Member of Wyvern Club
Member and Adjudicator Cinderella awards for Somerset Fellowship of Drama
Member of Devon and Somerset Flying Club
Member and Helicopter Pilots Association
Member of NFU Farmers Union
Member of Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association AOPA
Member of Royal Highland Show Agriculture
Member of Everyone Active
Member of Somerset FA Football
Member of The Farmers Club London
Member of Odeon Cinemas
Member of West Somerset Academies Trust
Member and Trustee of North Taunton Partnership
Member of North Taunton Woolaway Project
Working Group Committee Member of Elms Tennis Club Taunton
13. Any other information you wish to declare?
Please enter details below
14. Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality: The name of any person from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 which you have received in your capacity as a member of the Council
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality and Name of the Donor Reason and nature of Gift/Hospitality
No -
15. I have read and understood sections 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 on the original signed version of my Register of Members' Interests Form
Signed Date
Original Document Signed 18/04/23