Meeting attendance

Monday, 7th October, 2024 10.00 am, Executive

Venue:   John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE

Contact:    Democratic Services Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Bill Revans Chair Present
Councillor Liz Leyshon Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Theo Butt Philip Committee Member Present
Councillor Graham Oakes Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Mike Rigby Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Heather Shearer Committee Member Present
Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts Committee Member Present
Councillor Sarah Wakefield Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Wilkins Committee Member Present
Councillor Mandy Chilcott Guest In attendance
Councillor David Fothergill Guest In attendance
Councillor Leigh Redman Guest In attendance
Councillor Diogo Rodrigues Guest In attendance
Councillor Fran Smith Guest In attendance
Councillor Lucy Trimnell Guest In attendance
Councillor David Woan Guest In attendance
Councillor Steve Ashton Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Suria Aujla Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Dixie Darch Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Andy Dingwall Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Mark Healey MBE Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Val Keitch Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Andy Kendall Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Marcus Kravis Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Frances Nicholson Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Sue Osborne Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Gill Slocombe on leave of absence until 30 April 2025 Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Claire Sully Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Gwil Wren Guest In attendance, virtual
Councillor Jo Roundell Greene Guest In attendance