
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

08/07/2024 - Consider the Yearly Report of the LCN's work in the last 12 months ref: 1187    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Local Community Network - Vale of Frome

Made at meeting: 08/07/2024 - Local Community Network - Vale of Frome

Decision published: 02/08/2024

Effective from: 08/07/2024


A yearly report summarizing past achievements and future goals was presented, with Max adding an introduction to reflect on the LCN's progress. All agreed the yearly report was great and, while faced with challenges, progress has been made.

Following a brief overview of the Yearly Report the LCN discussed key points and actions still to be completed.

Concerns raised:

·       communication - participants raised concerns about communication issues, including the timely dissemination of agendas and minutes, and the need for a more structured approach to ensure all members are well-informed and prepared for meetings

·       accessibility of meeting information – suggestions were made to streamline the process for better member preparation.

Kevin Bishop commented that the highways meeting was good, particularly having representations, but there has been a gap in the meetings. Kate reassured that dedicated support for the working group would be provided by the newly appointed LCN Link Officer.

Action 1:  Communication: Review and update the mailing list to ensure all parishes receive agendas and minutes timely. (LCN Team)

Action 2:  Highways Working Group: Schedule the next Highways Working Group meeting to discuss terms of reference and membership. (LCN Team)

Priorities discussed:

·       Highways workgroups – top priority to set up an interim meeting

·       Flooding working groups / Flooding environment

·       Active travel – transport – to be combined for consideration

·       Cost of living -

·       Children and young people – this priority was covered in the first year of the LCN, and has a role taken up with Connect Somerset – discussion around whether any more was needed to be done in this area by the LCN or have regular updates on the work of Connect Somerset and other agencies in that area

·       Housing - social and affordable housing were identified as important, albeit it is not in the LCN’s remit in the way that planning decisions are made; may need a different approach

Looking at the other areas to be discussed in the different LCN meetings - each meeting will have notes and an action log.

Action 3: LCN Yearly Report: Review and approve the corrected LCN yearly report at the next meeting. (LCN Members)


01/08/2024 - Oxford Inn development - contractor appointment ref: 1185    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Communities, Housing Revenue Account, Culture, and Equalities and Diversity

Decision published: 02/08/2024

Effective from: 13/08/2024

02/08/2024 - Somerset Adult Community Education (ACE) programme - DfE funding for 2024/25 ref: 1188    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Resources and Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer)

Decision published: 02/08/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024

02/08/2024 - Award of the Slinky Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) Contracts ref: 1186    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Climate and Place

Decision published: 02/08/2024

Effective from: 12/08/2024

25/07/2024 - Climate and Place provisional outturn report ref: 1171    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Made at meeting: 25/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Decision published: 26/07/2024

Effective from: 25/07/2024


The committee considered and noted the Climate and Place provisional outturn report and there was a request for further information in regards to the section: Accountable bodies -Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) “clawback” of public subsidy.

25/07/2024 - Waste Services update ref: 1170    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Made at meeting: 25/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Decision published: 26/07/2024

Effective from: 25/07/2024


The committee considered and noted the updates from Waste Services.

25/07/2024 - Equality due regard ref: 1167    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Made at meeting: 25/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Decision published: 26/07/2024

Effective from: 25/07/2024


The committee considered and noted the report on Equality due regard.

25/07/2024 - Scrutiny Climate and Place Work Programme ref: 1168    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Made at meeting: 25/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Decision published: 26/07/2024

Effective from: 25/07/2024


Following consideration of the forward plan and action tracker the committee resolved to

·         Add Scrutiny of the Somerset Rivers Authority to the forward plan, for the meeting on 11th November.

·         Seek assurance that the Task and Finish group report that was approved by the committee on 26th March 2024 on the Somerset Energy Plan, and the recommendations within it, are being progressed and will be included in the Executive forward plan.

·         Finalise the membership of the Task and Finish group on Water Quality as agreed at the meeting of 6th June 2024, opening it up to all Council members.

·         Consider Item 60 of the Executive Forward Plan regarding highways devolution for the Scrutiny Climate and Place forward plan.

23/07/2024 - Planning Application 19/00655/OUT - Land OS 9609, Brewham Road, Bruton. ref: 1134    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee - South

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Planning Committee - South

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024




That planning application 19/00655/OUT for the outline planning application for the development of up to 60 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), together with associated highways and drainage infrastructure, public open space and landscaping. Details of access are submitted for approval with all other matters (Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping) reserved for later approval at Land OS 9609, Brewham Road, Bruton be DEFERRED for the following reason:


01.      To seek further highway assessment regarding concerns over the proposed pedestrian safety mitigation and off site highway works


(voting: 11 in favour, 1 against)




Divisions affected: Wincanton & Bruton;

23/07/2024 - Planning Application 22/00765/OUT - Scotts Nurseries (Merriott) Ltd, Higher Street, Merriott, TA16 5PL. ref: 1133    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee - South

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Planning Committee - South

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024




That planning application 22/00765/OUT for the outline planning application for residential development of up to 70 dwellings with associated works (details of access to be determined) at Scotts Nurseries (Merriott) Ltd, Higher Street, Merriott, Somerset, TA16 5PL be APPROVED as per the officer recommendation, the following reason:


The Council's lack of a five-year housing land supply lends significant weight when considering the planning balance. In this case, the site is located in a sustainable location with access to a range of services and facilities and would result in the effective re-use of previously development land. The proposal is not considered to result in such a significant and adverse impact upon visual amenity, residential amenity, highway safety, flood risk/drainage or ecology/biodiversity as to justify a refusal of planning permission. Therefore, in terms of the 'planning balance', it is considered that there are no adverse impacts that would 'significantly and demonstrably' outweigh the benefits of providing up to 70 dwellings in this sustainable location. The proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies SD1, SS1, SS2, SS4, SS5, SS6, HG3, TA1, TA4, TA5, TA6, HW1, EQ1, EQ2, EQ4, EQ5 and EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028, and the aims and objectives of the NPPF.


Approve subject to conditions and a Section 106 that secures the following obligations:


1.            The provision of affordable housing,

2.            Contribution towards the provision of sport, play, open space and strategic facilities. 

3.            Highway infrastructure and works.

4.            Education contribution

5.            Travel Plan

6.            Management of Public Open Space

7.            NHS Contributions

8.            Phosphate mitigation strategy


(voting:6 in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention )


Divisions affected: South Petherton & Islemoor;

23/07/2024 - Planning Application 20/02297/OUT - Land North of Brewham Road, Bruton. ref: 1135    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee - South

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Planning Committee - South

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024




That planning application 20/02297/OUT for the outline planning application with access to be determined and all other matters reserved, for the residential development of the land for up to 65 dwellings and safeguarding of land for a new GP Practice; alongside public open space, a drainage scheme and associated works at Land North of Brewham Road, Bruton be DEFERRED for the following reason:



01.         To seek further highway assessment regarding concerns over the proposed pedestrian safety mitigation and off site highway works


(voting: 10 in favour. 1 against and 1 abstention)





Divisions affected: Wincanton & Bruton;

24/07/2024 - Improvement and Transformation Programme Update ref: 1165    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


The committee resolved to note the progress of the timeline and milestones of delivery of the Improvement and Transformation Programme and the risk register as detailed for each area.


24/07/2024 - Disposal of Non-Operational Assets ref: 1166    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


The committee noted the draft report to the Executive Committee which detailed the sites due for disposal, with each site considered and verbal clarification where needed from Officers.

Members requested that a further email be sent to Division Members where appropriate to highlight the sites in their area being proposed for disposal.

24/07/2024 - Budget Monitoring Report – 2023/24 Draft Outturn and 2024/25 Emerging Issues ref: 1164    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


The committee noted the reports submitted with the agenda and looked forward to receiving monthly update reports as agreed on both 2023/24 Outturn and the 2024/25 monthly budget monitoring reports.


24/07/2024 - Forward Plan 2024/25 ref: 1163    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


The members noted the Forward Plans and had no other suggestions for the committee`s work plan.

24/07/2024 - Public Question Time ref: 1162    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


No members of the Public had registered to speak.

24/07/2024 - Minutes from the Previous Meeting ref: 1161    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


Resolved that the minutes of the Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources held on 29 May 2024 and 19 June 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


24/07/2024 - Declarations of Interest ref: 1160    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024



24/07/2024 - Apologies for Absence ref: 1159    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 24/07/2024


Apologies were received from Councillor Diogo Rodrigues (substituted by Councillor Sue Osborne) and Councillor Nick Cottle (substituted by Councillor Simon Coles).

Apologies were also received from Councillor Theo Butt Philip, Jason Vaughan, Nicola Hix and Alyn Jones.

24/07/2024 - Award contract for the management of the Somerset Shared Lives Scheme ref: 1158    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Adult Services, Housing and Homelessness

Decision published: 24/07/2024

Effective from: 31/07/2024

23/07/2024 - Planning Application 23/02871/OUT - Land Off Tintinhull Road, Coppits Hill, Yeovil, BA21 3PW. ref: 1136    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee - South

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Planning Committee - South

Decision published: 23/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024




That planning application 23/02871/OUT for the outline planning application with all matters reserved except for means of access for the erection of up to 60 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point at Land Off Tintinhull Road, Coppits Hill, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 3PW be DEFERRED for the following reason:


01.To seek further highway assessment regarding concerns over the proposed pedestrian safety mitigation and off site highway works.


(voting: 9 in favour, 2 against )