Forthcoming decisions
Use the below search options to find information regarding forthcoming decisions that will be taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
01/04/2024 - Oake Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 08/04/2025
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Norton St Philip Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/06/2025
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Cannington Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 08/04/2025
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/06/2025
Lead officer: Jo Wilkins
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Outcome of the review of the Minerals Plan
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 15/08/2024
Lead officer: Helen Vittery
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Community Infrastructure Levy spending priorities report
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 08/10/2024
Lead officer: Jo Wilkins
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Acquisition and disposals of land at Tonedale Mill
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 03/2025 FP/24/04/16
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Expansion of Flexible Plastics Collection Trial
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Environment and Climate Change
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/24/04/12
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/12/2024 FP/24/04/10
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Treasury Management Strategy Report
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/2025 FP/24/04/06
Lead officer: Alan Sanford
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Treasury Management Mid Year Report
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 04/11/2024 FP/24/04/05
Lead officer: Alan Sanford
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
01/04/2024 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/26 to 2029/30 update
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 07/10/2024 FP/24/04/01
Notice of decision: 29/04/2024
29/02/2024 - Q3 Corporate Performance Management Report
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 03/03/2025 FP/24/03/20
Notice of decision: 01/04/2024
29/02/2024 - Q1 Corporate Performance Management Report
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/09/2024 FP/24/03/18
Notice of decision: 01/04/2024
29/02/2024 - Somerset Council Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/09/2024 FP/24/03/14
Notice of decision: 01/04/2024
29/02/2024 - Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 15/08/2024 FP/24/03/13
Notice of decision: 01/04/2024
29/02/2024 - Hackney Carriage Rank Positions in Yeovil
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 07/04/2025 FP/24/03/03
Notice of decision: 06/03/2024
29/02/2024 - Somerset Strategic Alcohol and Drug Partnership Annual Report
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/09/2024 FP/24/03/02
Notice of decision: 06/03/2024
16/01/2024 - Appointment of Main Contractor at Tonedale Mill
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 03/2025 FP/24/01/18
Notice of decision: 01/02/2024
16/01/2024 - Appointment of Design team at Tonedale Mill
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/24/01/17
Notice of decision: 01/02/2024
16/01/2024 - Appointment of Main Contractor at Toneworks
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 03/2025 FP/24/01/16
Notice of decision: 01/02/2024
16/01/2024 - Acquisition and disposals of land at Toneworks
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 01/2025 FP/24/01/15
Notice of decision: 01/02/2024
16/01/2024 - Mendip Local Plan Part II Site Allocations Review - Reg 19 publication version
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 27/06/2024
Lead officer: Andre Sestini
Notice of decision: 19/01/2024
16/01/2024 - Puriton Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Decision Maker: Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
Decision due date: 15/08/2024
Notice of decision: 19/01/2024
16/01/2024 - Council Tax Base Approval Report
Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer (S151 Officer)
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/24/01/08
Lead officer: Service Director of Finance and Procurement
Notice of decision: 16/01/2024
01/11/2023 - Expansion of Early Years Foundation Unit at Wellsprings Primary School
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Children, Families and Education
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/23/11/04
Notice of decision: 13/11/2023
02/10/2023 - Ash die back Framework procurement
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Waste Services
Decision due date: 02/2025 FP/23/10/12
Notice of decision: 01/11/2023
02/10/2023 - Continuation of PAUSE in Somerset
Decision Maker: Executive Director Children, Families & Education Services
Decision due date: 01/2025 FP/23/10/08
Notice of decision: 26/10/2023
03/07/2023 - Annual Approval as Sole Shareholder of Homes in Sedgemoor
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 07/10/2024 FP/23/07/07
Lead officer: David Baxter
Notice of decision: 11/07/2023
02/05/2023 - Revenue Budget Monitoring Report Qtr 4 (Month 12)
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 07/08/2024 FP/23/05/06
Lead officer: Executive Director of Resources and Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer)
Notice of decision: 16/05/2023
02/05/2023 - Allocation of the 2024/25 Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block
Decision Maker: Executive Director Children, Families & Education Services
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/23/05/01
Lead officer: Sian Kenny
Notice of decision: 16/05/2023
31/03/2023 - Authorisation to award the contract for essential refurbishment works at the Frome Enterprise Centre
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Decision due date: 12/2024 FP/23/02/16
Lead officer: Harry Morris
Notice of decision: 31/03/2023