Forthcoming decisions

Use the below search options to find information regarding forthcoming decisions that will be taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Forthcoming decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Oake Neighbourhood Plan to be Made29/04/2024For Determination08/04/2025
Norton St Philip Neighbourhood Plan to be Made29/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/06/2025
Cannington Neighbourhood Plan to be Made29/04/2024For Determination08/04/2025
Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan to be Made29/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/06/2025
Outcome of the review of the Minerals Plan29/04/2024For Determination15/08/2024
Community Infrastructure Levy spending priorities report29/04/2024For Determination08/10/2024
Acquisition and disposals of land at Tonedale Mill29/04/2024For Determination03/2025 FP/24/04/16
Expansion of Flexible Plastics Collection Trial29/04/2024For Determination12/2024 FP/24/04/12
Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/2629/04/2024Recommmend Forward to Council02/12/2024 FP/24/04/10
Treasury Management Strategy Report29/04/2024For Determination03/02/2025 FP/24/04/06
Treasury Management Mid Year Report29/04/2024For Determination04/11/2024 FP/24/04/05
Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/26 to 2029/30 update29/04/2024For Determination07/10/2024 FP/24/04/01
Q3 Corporate Performance Management Report01/04/2024For Determination03/03/2025 FP/24/03/20
Q1 Corporate Performance Management Report01/04/2024For Determination02/09/2024 FP/24/03/18
Somerset Council Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act01/04/2024For Determination02/09/2024 FP/24/03/14
Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance01/04/2024For Determination15/08/2024 FP/24/03/13
Hackney Carriage Rank Positions in Yeovil06/03/2024For Determination03/03/2025 FP/24/03/03
Somerset Strategic Alcohol and Drug Partnership Annual Report06/03/2024For Determination02/09/2024 FP/24/03/02
Appointment of Main Contractor at Tonedale Mill01/02/2024For Determination03/2025 FP/24/01/18
Appointment of Design team at Tonedale Mill01/02/2024For Determination12/2024 FP/24/01/17
Appointment of Main Contractor at Toneworks01/02/2024For Determination03/2025 FP/24/01/16
Acquisition and disposals of land at Toneworks01/02/2024For Determination01/2025 FP/24/01/15
Mendip Local Plan Part II Site Allocations Review - Reg 19 publication version19/01/2024Recommmend Forward to Council27/06/2024
Puriton Neighbourhood Plan to be Made19/01/2024For Determination15/08/2024
Council Tax Base Approval Report16/01/2024For Determination12/2024 FP/24/01/08
Expansion of Early Years Foundation Unit at Wellsprings Primary School13/11/2023For Determination12/2024 FP/23/11/04
Ash die back Framework procurement01/11/2023For Determination02/2025 FP/23/10/12
Continuation of PAUSE in Somerset26/10/2023For Determination01/2025 FP/23/10/08
Annual Approval as Sole Shareholder of Homes in Sedgemoor11/07/2023For Determination07/10/2024 FP/23/07/07
Revenue Budget Monitoring Report Qtr 4 (Month 12)16/05/2023For Determination07/08/2024 FP/23/05/06
Allocation of the 2024/25 Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block16/05/2023For Determination12/2024 FP/23/05/01
Authorisation to award the contract for essential refurbishment works at the Frome Enterprise Centre31/03/2023For Determination12/2024 FP/23/02/16