This register of interests was published on Tuesday, 12th November, 2024, 9.06 am.
I, Councillor Hazel Prior-Sankey a Member of Somerset Council ((the 'Council') give notice that I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests, and those of my spouse/civil partner (or person with whom I am living as such) of which I am aware, which I am required to declare under the Council's Code of Conduct. These include any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (sections 1 to 5 below) under sections 29 to 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, and I have put 'none' where I/my spouse/civil partner (or person with whom I am living as such) have no such interests under any heading. Section 6 of the form relates to Personal Interests.
1. Please state your employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships?
Description of your employment activity |
Name of Employer or Body |
None |
None |
Partner- Lead Chaplain Taunton Team Chaplaincy Trust |
Taunton Team Chaplaincy Trust |
Partner - Christian Minister |
Partner - receives a pension from the Salvation Army |
Partner - receives a local government pension from Somerset County Council |
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses?
Name of Person or Body making payments |
None | None |
3. Do you have any contracts with Somerset Council?
Description of Contract |
None | None |
4. Do you have interests in companies or securities of a body, with premises or land in the County?
Name of Company |
None | None |
5. Do you own, rent, or occupy property or land in Somerset? You must include the land and house you, or your partner, live in.
Address/Description of Land |
Nature of Interest in Land |
27 Upper Holway Road, Taunton, TA1 2HF |
Home Owner |
Partner- 27 Upper Holway Road, Taunton, TA1 2HF |
Home Owner |
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies where the Council is the Landlord?
Address/Description of Property |
Nature of Interest in Property |
None |
Partner- East Wing, First Floor, Market House Taunton TA1 1JD- Lead Chaplain of the Taunton Team Chaplaincy Trust which occupies these premises on a tenancy at will and receives business rate relief |
7. Do you have any Licenses to occupy land in the County?
Address/Description of Land |
None | None |
8. Have you been appointed by this Council to Outside Bodies?
Name of Organisation |
Position |
None | None |
9. Do you hold membership of other Public Authorities?
Name of Organisation |
Position |
None | None |
10. Do you hold membership of any body established for charitable purposes?
Name of Organisation |
Position |
St James Parish Church Taunton |
On Electoral Role |
National Trust |
Member |
11. Do you hold membership of bodies influencing Public Opinion or Policy (including any political party)?
Name of Organisation |
Position |
None | None |
12. Do you hold membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations?
Name of Organisation |
None | None |
13. Any other information you wish to declare?
Please enter details below |
My partner and I are in receipt of Somerset Council Pensions |
14. Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality: The name of any person from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 which you have received in your capacity as a member of the Council
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality and Name of the Donor |
Reason and nature of Gift/Hospitality |
From The Brewhouse Theatre on 17.11.23 |
2 tickets for press night at performance of Christmas Carol |
15. I have read and understood sections 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 on the original signed version of my Register of Members' Interests Form
Signed |
Date |
Original Document Signed |
17.04.23 |