Issue - decisions

Staplegrove Housing Infrastructure Fund

02/08/2023 - Staplegrove Housing Infrastructure Fund

Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive agreed:


a. To enter into a deed of variation to the Staplegrove Housing Infrastructure Fund grant fund agreement; 

b. To enter into funding agreements with interested parties over the use of the Housing Infrastructure Fund and its recovery; 

c. To use Housing Infrastructure Funding for Somerset Council to acquire an interest in land on Staplegrove East to safeguard the future delivery of essential infrastructure (including the primary school site and access, highway including spine road and pedestrian/cycle routes and associated infrastructure land) and provide services to the school site; 

d. To grant delegated authority to the S151 Officer and Service Directors for Economy, Employment and Planning; Infrastructure and Transport and Strategic Asset Management to enter into negotiations and agree the detail for the implementation of recommendations a-c in consultation with the Lead Members for Economic Development, Planning and Assets; Transport and Digital; and Children, Families and Education.  


ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report