Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Monitoring Report Qtr1 (Month 3)

06/09/2023 - 2023/24 Budget Monitoring Report – Month 3 – End of June 2023 & Month 4 update

Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:


a.        Noted the forecast overspend of £26.1m (as at month 4) for the year and the key risks, future issues and opportunities.

b.        Requested that each of the Scrutiny Committees urgently reviews the budget monitoring position for their areas of responsibility and that the relevant Executive members set out the reasons behind the current forecasts and the actions that are being taken to address the position. 

c.        Approved that member briefings are set to ensure every councillor has the opportunity to fully understand the financial current situation and the financial challenges facing the council going forward.

d.        Received a monthly update on the financial position and actions being taken to address it. 



ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report