Issue - decisions

Equality Audit, Assessment and Peer Challenge

10/05/2023 - Equality Audit, Assessment and Peer Challenge

Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:


  • Approved the Council undertaking a Disability Confident Leader assessment in June. This will include the preparation work, audit process and receiving the recommendations and findings that come from this audit.   


  • Approved the Council undertaking an internal Race Audit in August. This will include the preparation work, audit process and receiving the recommendations and findings that come from this audit.  


  • Approved the commitment to deliver training on race and challenging behaviour.  


  • Approved the Council undertaking an Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG) Peer Assessment in October. This will include the preparation work, 3-day external Peer Assessment, receiving the recommendations and findings that come from this assessment and agreed to receive a response to this report.  


  • Acknowledged the level of commitment that will be needed from the whole organisation, and partners, over the coming year to support these three processes.