Issue - decisions
Asset Rationalisation programme: Taunton office accommodation
16/07/2024 - Asset Rationalisation programme: Taunton office accommodation
Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive resolved to:
1. Approve the basis for the Council to enter intolease/licence agreements with 2 local partners to take accommodation at DeaneHouse, Taunton as set out in the business case in Appendix A;
2. Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement and Head of Estates Operations in consultation with theLead Member for Economy, Planning and Assets to enter into andcomplete the Lease/Licence Agreements, and coordinate necessary resourceto implement the decision;
3. Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement to authorise expenditure as identified in the business caseto remodel B Block at County Hall using a proportion of income from thefirst year of the licenses;
4. Relocate impacted staff from Deane House to County Hall,implementing revised parking arrangements as agreed via collectiveconsultation with Trade Unions.