Issue - decisions

Annual Report of the Director of Public Health (ARDPH) 2023/4

06/03/2024 - Somerset Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2023

Following consideration of the officer report and discussion, the Executive agreed to note and endorse the following recommendations:


1.          To maximise opportunities to join up and integrate commissioning and delivery of supported housing and support services to better serve people with multiple complex needs.


2.         To ensure the new Local Plans give significant attention to current and future demographic trends and the related housing needs.  Innovate solutions to the development of more one and two-bedroom homes, affordable homes, housing stability and homes built to accommodate future health needs are required.


3.         That the Council and Integrated Care Board prioritise collaborative work to address the needs of people who experience multiple disadvantage.


4.         To recommended that the Integrated Care Board continues to develop the Inclusion Health Service and develops an overarching Somerset Inclusive Health Strategy.


5.         To recommended that Somerset Integrated Care System adopt a collaborative approach to reducing injuries and falls overall and in the home, including continuing to provide support for retrofit interventions and housing adaptations that enable people to live safely in their homes.


6.         To maintain support for approaches such as Personalised Care that seek to wrap individualised support around a person in their current place of residence to reduce the risk of needs escalating.


7.         That a communications plan is developed to raise awareness among the public of the need to plan ahead for ageing in their home or moving to a more suitable home when the time is right, to reduce the number of people in homes in Somerset that are difficult to live in into old age.


8.         That the council commits to, and supports, the development of the Public Health Ambassador Programme.


9.         That the Council embeds the Health Determinants Research Collaborative and its principles into the new Target Operating Model for the Council going forwards.


10.       That Somerset Council adopts a strong “health in all policies” approach to Neighbourhood Plans, the new Local Plans and Transport Plans, embedding consideration of local health needs when developing and implementing the plans, and seeking to design neighbourhoods that improve health, support community resilience and reduce the risks and impact of climate change.