Agenda item

Adult and Health Services Transformation

To consider the report.


Following consideration of the officer report, PowerPoint presentation, appendices and discussion, the Executive agreed: 


·       The aims and objectives of the next phase of the Transformation Programme for Adults Services.??? 


·       To engage Newton Europe as strategic change partner to work alongside the service to deliver these transformational objectives by implementing the opportunities identified in the diagnostic and support the delivery of identified reductions.??? 


·       To fund the costs of the transformation programme of £3.5m each year for the next two years, initially from Earmarked Reserves and review the position later in the financial year once the 2022/23 statement of accounts from the predecessor Councils has been completed.??? 


The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited the Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Cllr Dean Ruddle, to introduce the report.


The Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Cllr Dean Ruddle, introduced the report, highlighting:the Scrutiny Committee – Adults and Health consideration and feedback on the report; the requirement for and the opportunity to transform Adult Services; and achieving cost reductions in a timely manner.


At the invitation of the Lead Member the Executive Director, Adult Services, Mel Lock, proceeded to present the report, highlighting: Adult Services budget growth, including the complexity of need and associated cost of care, alongside  demographic growth within the county; the need to control the increased demand for services and improve people's independence; the diagnostic opportunities identified to change and improve Adult Services delivery and the three primary areas included - improving the environment within which practitioners operate, ensuring that the right care is available in the right place, at the right time, and optimising intermediate care, in particular the discharge to assess and the reablement service;

the options available for the Council to proceed and deliver the transformational opportunities to realise the projected cost reductions and the improved outcomes; the key opportunities and improved outcomes, based on prevention, better use of communities and reabling people to maintain independence; the economic value of social care; next steps including setting milestones and targets; and the tracking of benefits and financial impact through that Transformation Board, the MTFP Board and Scrutiny Committees.


The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited comments from other Members present, questions and points raised included: therisk sharing model and approach to drive transformation; the formal recording and reporting of learning, development, upskilling and use of performance tools; working with and the capacity of the voluntary sector across the county to deliver services, including the use of Local Community Networks; the Care Act assessments in supporting movements of individuals and use of legal advice and support; the work of Newton Europe in other Local Authorities; the contingency fee model based on core principles; the risk impact of the reduction of hours in the delivery model, including reablement and the use of technology to support people; the production of an Equality Impact Assessment; the use of earmarked reserves to fund the cost to engage Newton Europe; identified reductions, including during the current financial year and during 2024/25; the work to bring the five Councils accounts together as one organisation; the cost reductions built into the MTFP; the investment and uplift in care sector staff payments to continue as part of cost of care exercise; and the level of confidence that the savings outlined can be delivered.


The Executive proceeded to vote on the recommendations, which were agreed unanimously.


Following consideration of the officer report, PowerPoint presentation, appendices and discussion, the Executive agreed: 


·       The aims and objectives of the next phase of the Transformation  Programme for Adults Services.

·       To engage Newton Europe as strategic change partner to work alongside the service to deliver these transformational objectives by implementing the opportunities identified in the diagnostic and support the delivery of identified reductions.

·       To fund the costs of the transformation programme of £3.5m each year for the next two years, initially from Earmarked Reserves and review the position later in the financial year once the 2022/23 statement of accounts from the predecessor Councils has been completed.



ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report.?


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report.?

Supporting documents: