Agenda item

Planning Application 30/24/0009 - West of Blagdon Hill Rd, Blagdon Hill

To consider an application for 1 dwelling to be erected on land West of Blagdo Hill Rd, Blagdon Hill.


Councillor Ross Henley proposed and Councillor Caroline Ellis seconded refusing the application:

Reason for refusal - that the development is outside the village settlement boundary and inside the Blackdown Hills National Landscape area and the proposed development will have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area and the Blackdown Hills National Landscape.


                                    (Voting: 8 For 2 Against)


The Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a presentation. The officer explained that the application sought permission for the construction of one detached dwelling.

The Committee was addressed by 3 objectors to the proposal and their comments included: that the development did not follow the Linear settlements of the area; was outside of the settlement boundary; was inside the Blackdown Hills National Landscape; the increase in phosphates the development would cause; the scale of the development greatly impacted the Blackdown Hills in terms of traffic and reduced wildlife; it was 3 times the size of the footprint of nearby bungalows; andthe lack of public transport service to the area also counted against the proposal.

Councillor Sarah Wakefield, spoke as a member who lived in the division and objected to the proposal. Her comments included that the development was on a large scale and a big development for the area.

The Committee were addressed by 3 supporters to the proposal and their comments included: that the development did not go against planning policies; the application was originally shown to be within the settlement boundary; that the bungalow would be screened and not in view from Blagdon Hill Road; the need for bungalows had increased in recent years; and the building of bungalows was at the lowest point for 80 years.

Members sought clarification on planning applications in the local area specifically the site to the North. The Planning Officer responded to the question and confirmed that the dwellings themselves lied to the Northeast.

Members raised concerns that approving the development would result in a loss of an area of protected national landscape. Members raised further concerns on the entrance and exit route onto the main road and the dangerous nature of the entry point due to the poor visibility. The Planning Officer clarified that policy SP1 identified Blagdon as a lower tier village that was appropriate for small scale development within settlement limits.

Members raised the objection of Pitminster Parish Council that it was outside settlement boundary and noted that this was an important point. It was also raised that the development was inside the Blackdown Hills National Landscape. Members also highlighted that Somerset Highways Authroity had not objected.

It was raised by Planning Officers that refusing the application based on highways access, would not be recommended because Highways Authority had  not objected to the development and so a refusal on this ground would be difficult to defend at appeal.

Members sought clarification on the development being within the Blackdown Hills National Landscape. The Planning Officer confirmed that the development being within the Blackdown Hills did not mean it could result in the application not being allowed.

Members queried the comparison between the recent Pitminster applications. The Planning Officer in response to this noted that the applications were separate and determined on their own merits.

Councillor Ross Henley proposed, and Councillor Caroline Ellis seconded refusing the application:

Reason for refusal - that the development was outside the village settlement boundary and inside the Blackdown Hills National Landscape area and the proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area and the Blackdown Hills National Landscape.

Supporting documents: