Agenda item
Planning Application 21/00503/OUT - Land Os 3346, Thorney Road, Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, Somerset
To consider an outline planning application all matters reserved except for access; Erection of up to 25 dwellings, demolition of single storey extension to no. 18 and rearrangement of estate road to facilitate access between 18 and 19 The Avenue.
That planning application 21/00503/OUT for outline planning permission and all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 25 dwellings, demolition of single storey extension to no. 18 and rearrangement of estate road to facilitate access between 18 and 19 The Avenue at Os 3346, Thorney Road, Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, Somerset, be APPROVED subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as detailed in the agenda report.
Voting: 9 in favour, 1 against, no abstentions.
The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report and with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation to highlight key elements of the proposal including:
- Site location.
- An indicative masterplan.
He referred to the key considerations being:-
· Principle
· Highway Safety
· Affordable housing
· Infrastructure contributions
· Phosphate Mitigation
The application was recommended for approval subject to prior completion of a S106 agreement as set out in the agenda report.
One member of the public addressed the committee in objection to the application. Their comments included:-
- Concerns around increased traffic and pedestrian safety on The Avenue.
- Concerns regarding the failing sewage system in the village.
- Concerns regarding who will be responsible for the maintenance and management of the proposed attenuation pond and pump.
The Chair invited Jack Clarke-Williams, an external Transport Planning Consultant to speak on behalf of the applicant. Mr Clarke-Williams addressed the committee with a verbal summary of the analysis that had been undertaken and reported that they had concluded that there are no concerns with the highways aspects of the planning application.
Four members of the public addressed the committee in support of the application, their comments included: -
· The development will provide a much need injection of new housing to the village, particularly affordable housing.
· The development will bring increased trade to the village amenities.
· The proposed development will improve pedestrian safety on The Avenue.
· There have been no known flooding incidents on The Avenue in recent years.
· There are generally no problems with residents being able to park outside their homes on The Avenue.
A representative from Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council Cllr Ian Stanton addressed the committee and spoke to object to the application. He felt that the highways assessments do not reflect the state of the roads on The Avenue. He added that the new footpath proposal was welcome, but felt that the Flood Risk Assessment does not reflect the increased flood risk that this proposed new development will bring. He added that many local people do not approve of the proposed development but have disengaged with the consultation process in frustration.
The Agent, Mark Richards Greenslade Taylor Hunt then addressed the committee. He advised that the development is fully compliant with all Local Plan Policy SS2 in its entirety and therefore urged members to approve the application.
During the discussion, members sought clarity on the following points:-
- Access into the site is 6m wide which is more than sufficient for two lorries/vehicles to pass easily.
- Condition 24 secures that the road condition of The Avenue will get no worse as result of the development.
The Division Member, Councillor Mike Stanton, spoke in support of the application. He felt that the proposed access arrangements are satisfactory, the condition regarding road maintenance are acceptable, and that the development does address a real housing need in the parish. He concluded that he felt there are no strong planning reasons for the committee to reject the application.
One member felt that pedestrian safety on the access road into the site through the construction phase is a concern, but the Council’s Highways representative reassured her that a Construction Traffic Management Plan could be included as part of the conditions of the approval.
At the conclusion of the debate, the officer’s recommendation to approve the application was proposed by Councillor Tim Kerley and seconded by Councillor Peter Seib.? When put to the vote, the proposal was carried by 9 in favour, 1 against and 0 abstentions.
That planning application 21/00503/OUT for outline planning permission and all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 25 dwellings, demolition of single storey extension to no. 18 and rearrangement of estate road to facilitate access between 18 and 19 The Avenue at Os 3346, Thorney Road, Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, Somerset, be APPROVED subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as detailed in the agenda report.
Voting: 9 in favour, 1 against, no abstentions.
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