Agenda item

Planning Application 23/03085/FUL - Centaur House, Centaur Services Ltd , Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7EU

To consider an application for the part demolition of existing building and erection of 16m hi-bay storage facility building. Formation of additional car parking area. 




That planning application 23/03085/FUL for part demolition of existing building and erection of 16m hi-bay storage facility building and formation of additional car parking area at Centaur House, Centaur Services Ltd, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7E, be APPROVED, contrary to the Officer recommendation, subject to a Section 106 planning obligation to include travel plan obligations and appropriate conditions (conditions to be agreed between the Planning Officer, Chair and Division members).


Voting: Unanimous in favour


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report and with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation to highlight key elements of the proposal including: 

  • Site location. 
  • An indicative masterplan.  
  • The applicant’s key business drivers for the expansion of the premises. 

She referred to the sole reason for the officer’s recommendation to refuse being that the proposed development scale, bulk and massing, and monolithic shape of the development resulting in harm to the rural character of the area, contrary to policy EQ2 South Somerset Local Plan and DP1 of the Castle Cary and Ansford Neighbourhood Plan.

? ? 

There were no members of the public in attendance or registered to speak online. The applicant, Simon Robinson addressed the committee and asked the committee to approve the application, contrary to the officer recommendations for the following reasons: 


  • 11 out of the 12 statutory consultees are supportive of the application including highways and the LLFA, and the only objection being from the Councils Urban Landscape and Design officer. He referred to the comments from the Urban Landscape and Design Officer which state that the principles of a taller building on this site is not objected to, but there are design aspects that could be given further consideration.
  • Centaur Services Ltd are a key contributor the local economy, employing people in Castle Cary since 1981, and further expansion of the business is now needed to meet industry needs. Centaur Services wholly owns the site and plans to invest £30million into the local area.
  • If this application is refused, Centaur Services Ltd will be forced to consider relocating the business outside of Castle Cary, resulting in job losses.

The Division Member, Councillor Henry Hobhouse, spoke in support of the development, and agreed with the applicant that the development would bring huge economic benefits to the town of Castle Cary. He also felt that the officer reasons for recommending refusal of the application are not substantial enough to outweigh the benefits as stated by the applicant, and that in response to the Urban Landscape and Design Officer’s concerns regarding the size and appearance of the 16m high storage facility, this was unfair given the fact that a very similar structure had been constructed at a neighbouring manufacturing business. ?  

Following the comments made by the Applicant and Division Member, members, members sought clarity that the application could be approved, subject to conditions related to appearance which could be agreed upon by the Applicant, Planning Committee Chair and Division Member, and were then content with the proposals put before them, and largely supportive of the application.


?At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Henry Hobhouse and seconded by Councillor Kevin Messenger to overturn the officer’s recommendation on economic grounds and approve the application.? When put to the vote, the proposal was carried by 10 in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions. 





That planning application 23/03085/FUL for part demolition of existing building and erection of 16m hi-bay storage facility building and formation of additional car parking area at Centaur House, Centaur Services Ltd, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7E, be APPROVED, contrary to the Officer recommendation, subject to a Section 106 planning obligation to include travel plan obligations and appropriate conditions (conditions to be agreed between the Planning Officer, Chair and Division members).


Voting: Unanimous in favour

Supporting documents: