Agenda item
Children's Services - Budget Monitoring update - Month 5
- Meeting of Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families, Monday, 21st October, 2024 10.00 am (Item 6.)
To consider PowerPoint presentation.
Note – the Chair will allow 30 minutes for this agenda item.
The Committee received a presentation on the budget position as at the end of Month 5.
It was agreed that:
(a) officers will produce explanation paper on differences between residential / IMS.
(b) officers will provide breakdown of placements out of county by ages for CLA.
The Committee received a presentation from Christian Evans, Head of Business Partnering on the Children’s Services Budget Monitoring position as at the end Month 5.
The Committee discussed the presentation in detail and the following points were raised and responded to:
- The Chair sought clarity on the downward trend shown in the numbers presented on Children in Care. Claire Winter, Executive Director – Children, Families and Education, explained that the numbers are affected by various cohorts of children who tend to stay in care till the age of 18 and represent the highest cost age group.
- A member requested that the committee be explained why the changing numbers do not show the impact on the finances, for Children Looked After (CLN). The officers explained that the data is based on a month-by-month cases and thus affected by the same. The officers advised that the department could provide the committee with the age groups of pupils coming into and leaving the care services.
- A member sought clarity on why the placement numbers and forecast numbers for INMS were different. The officers explained that it is because of the number of pupils that have educational and residential provisions. The Chair then recommended there to be an explanation paper to be brought to the committee clarifying dynamics around the budget.
- With regard to the Homes and Horizons, a member asked how many children are held up in the delay in moving and how are we going to make sure that the budget for children is spent on the right things when a Planner is working on the cases - The Executive Director assured the committee that the planning permission has been given and the planning team are looking to recruit. Homes and Horizons issue has been flagged as top priority and work is proceeding accordingly and the new planner is meant to prioritise the Children’s services. The Director also gave an update on number of beds available in this project and delays are due to several reasons relating to the appropriate support needed by young people.
- Education and Transport – clarification sought for overspend and the committee was told that the budget was not balanced this year hence the discrepancy. The discrepancy is due to the education costs and not the transportation costs.
- A member sought clarity on what happens to young people in care once they are 18 years of age – the officers explained the processes in place and the support offer. Asylum seeking children automatically come under the care of Local Authorities and receive the same support as any other child.
- A member requested data from the Corporate Parent Board relating to Children Looked After, The Chair advised that if the papers exist then they would be circulated.
- Difference in exclusions numbers between state-maintained schools and academies – the officers agreed to share the data but advised that the numbers are not evenly distributed but would provide the figures illustrating the disparity.
- The Chair recommended the committee look at the breakdown of placements and cost impact of external county placements in relation to age groups in CLA.
In conclusion, the Chair thanked officers for the presentation, and it was agreed that officers will produce explanation paper on differences between residential / IMS and will provide a provide breakdown of placements out of county by ages for CLA.
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