Agenda item

Overview of Highlights from LCNs across Somerset


At this point the room divided into a breakout session including those participants online.

Focus Areas for LCN: The meeting identified several key focus areas for the LCN, including health and wellbeing, broadband and connectivity, active travel, transport links, flooding, highways, and large developments. These areas were chosen based on community feedback and are intended to guide the LCN's efforts in addressing local concerns.

Community feedback played a crucial role in shaping the LCN's focus areas, ensuring that the network's efforts align with residents' needs.

Stakeholder Engagement: The discussion highlighted the need for engaging a wider range of stakeholders, including farmers and the Environment Agency, in discussions on topics like flooding and landscape management. This is to ensure a comprehensive approach to addressing community issues. The call for wider stakeholder engagement underlines the LCN's commitment to a comprehensive approach in tackling community challenges.

Discussions from the group work:

Health and wellbeing – Lenka, Meldoy & Neha


·        F.T.C. data from Community engagement

·        Somerset intelligence

·        FSM

·        Panish Plans (Their Data)

·        Fair Frome Data

·        FMP


·        Inequality / Poverty

·        Access to Services – Gaps

·        Resources

·        Cost of Living

Who do we need

·        Stakeholders and partners

·        I.C.B.

·        S.F.T.

·        P.C.N.

·        L.M.C (GP’s and health practitioners)

·        Mind MH Forum

·        Fair Frome

Flooding and Landscape

·        FWAG

·        EA

·        Highways

·        Wessex Water

·        Bristol Water

·        Defra

·        Farmers

·        SRA

·        LLFX – Somerset Council

·        Money Land you give to ???? fields to run off

·        Less Water in ??

·        Less Flooding Dirch Cleaning

·        Gulley – Highways

·        Freezing and gritting because drains / Gulleys overflows


·        Restrict Flow

·        Damaged by High Water

·        Survey needed


·        Catchment

·        Flood areas.

·        Development

·        Land Use

·        Tree Cover

·        Crop – Maize and Bare Fields

·        Where does the money come from to fix?

·        Planning Decisions.

·        Houses / Farm / industry

Large Developments

Impact on infrastructure across the LCN


·        GP Waiting List

·        Sewerage outflows

·        Road usage increase from development


·        Can’t get a GP Appt.

·        Sewerage outflows increasing

·        Accidents

Who do we need

·        Medical Practice

·        Wessex Water

·        Highways

Affordable Housing


·        30% proposed but only 23% achieved in Somerset east

·        Not Enough one and two bed houses

·        Need Data from Somerset Housing


·        No Enforcement

·        Weak Planning (No Local plan in force)

Who do we need

·        Enforcement officer

·        Housing Officer

·        County Councillors



·        Percentage of non-Jobs

·        Amount of employment space

·        Demand for Business


·        Creating dormitory towns and Villages

Who do we need

·        No DGA?


Active travel, Road safety, Transport and Highways


·        Speed limit enforcement

·        Cameras

·        A&S police


·        A&SP & S.H Say no

·        Auto speed watch

·        Cameras

·        Inadequate motorbike / police Cameras

·        Frome missing limb

·        Radstock to Great elm to “missing” (needed for walkers and cyclists) – Frome

Who do we need

·        Somerset Bus partnership in the room

·        Trowbridge B&NES limb

·        Repairing verge

·        Sewer capacity for middle village

·        Extra divert Roads, Houses affected

·        Flooding needs FWAG in the room

Action 4: Flooding and Resilience: Organize a detailed workshop with Civil Contingencies Unit and Somerset Rivers Authority to discuss emergency plans. (LCN Team)

Action 5: Local Plan: Invite the head of planning to discuss local plan policy and influence opportunities in a future meeting. (LCN Team)