Agenda item
Planning Application 2023/2399/FUL - 3 Balch Road, Wells, Somerset
To consider an application for the erection of a 2-bedroom detatched dwellinghouse
That planning application 2023/2399/FUL be APPROVED contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was decided that the scheme would not have a detrimental impact on the visual amenities of the street scene nor would it result in increased street parking. That delegated authority be given to Officers to negotiate suitable phosphate mitigation and impose necessary planning conditions. The conditions are to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair and divisional members.
Votes – 8 for, 3 against
The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the Case Officer’s recommendation was for refusal, however, the Parish Council had recommended approval, albeit with some concerns.
The Officer’s Report continued that the application sought planning permission for the erection of a two-bed detached dwelling in the side garden of number 3 Balch Road which is a corner plot with lawned areas to the front and east. It would be orientated to have its front elevation facing east, but it would be set within the plot further south than number 3 and set slightly back within the plot in comparison to number 5. During the life of the application the plans have been amended to try to overcome the Local Planning Authority’s concerns about the design of the building.
The Officer’s Report recommended refusal of the application for 3 reasons. These were:
- The application scheme did not respect the local context or maintain the character and appearance of the local area, resulting in a detrimental impact on the street scene.
- Insufficient information had been submitted regarding a possible increase in phosphate levels in the foul water discharge.
- The proposal failed to provide the necessary parking requirements for the proposed dwelling.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.
There was one speaker in objection to the application. He made the following comments.
- The dwelling would be on a partially blind corner, therefore highways safety is a concern. Cars already park on double yellow lines and across dropped kerbs, thereby causing greater risk to vehicles and pedestrians.
- The site is an exposed location and the dwelling will stand out in the street scene.
- Light will be restricted to No. 5 Balch Road.
- The proposed development would create a dominant and oppressive environment for neighbouring properties.
There was a speaker in support of the application who said the proposal would not be detrimental to the area and the slight bottleneck on this corner in Balch Road would not be worsened by the dwelling. It would not adversely affect the character of the street, nor would the proposed dwelling be oppressive or unattractive. There would not be an impact on parking as the applicant already lives and parks at the property. It would enable a young couple to continue to live in the area in which they grew up.
The final speaker was the applicant. He made the following comments:
- The footprint of the building will be much smaller than the size of the plot being built on.
- The materials used would be the same as all the other houses on Balch Road, so would be in keeping and not intrusive.
- Very happy to provide mitigation for any Phosphates and will work with Planning Officers to determine his obligations in this regard.
- Parking will not be affected as there will be no reduction in parking space.
- The Parish Council support the application, as do nearby residents.
- It will add to the housing stock and will enable a young family to reside in their home city, which is out of the price-range of most young people.
In the discussion which followed Members said they would be happy to support this application so long as the phosphate mitigation could be resolved. The Planning Officer suggested deferral or Members could vote to approve with an added condition to negotiate suitable phosphate mitigation which would most likely be the purchase of phosphate credits. Members also discussed the impact on the street scene and decided it would not be obtrusive.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Tony Robbins and seconded by Councillor Philip Ham to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.
On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 8 for, 3 against.
That planning application 2023/2399/FUL be APPROVED contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was decided that the scheme would not have a detrimental impact on the visual amenities of the street scene nor would it result in increased street parking. That delegated authority be given to Officers to negotiate suitable phosphate mitigation and impose necessary planning conditions. The conditions are to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair and divisional members.
Votes – 8 for, 3 against
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