Agenda item
Planning Application 2023/0385/FUL - 31 Stockhill Road, Chilcompton, Radstock, Somerset
To consider an application for the erection of 1no. detachted dwelling and relocation of parking for host dwelling.
That planning application 2023/0385/FULbe REFUSED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation which was updated verbally at the meeting to remove the 2nd reason for refusal regarding residential amenity.
Votes – 5 for, 4 against
The Officer’s Report stated that the application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the Parish Council had raised no objection to the scheme, but the Officer Recommendation was for refusal.
The application related to a site which formed part of the residential curtilage of 31, Stockhill Road, and included access to the highway. Access to the proposed dwelling would utilise the existing access to number 31.
The Parish Council had no objections but there had been one letter of objection from local residents.
The Officer’s Report concluded that the proposal represented a cramped form of development which was not in keeping with the existing pattern of development in the immediate vicinity of the site It would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and result in amenity loss for future occupiers of an adjacent property.
Although the Council is unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing and therefore the tilted balance comes into effect, the design and amenity harms as identified would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the very modest benefits of bring forward one additional dwelling. The application was therefore recommended for refusal.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation and also gave a verbal update that, following amendments to the proposal, the 2nd reason for refusal regarding visual amenity had been withdrawn from the refusal reasons.
The applicant’s agent was the only speaker. He made the following points:
- The application is for a very modest, highly energy efficient family home, the size and type of which is in great demand across the county.
- The only objection remaining relates to the size of the rear garden of the proposed dwelling, however it is in keeping with the size of the proposed dwelling.
- Gardens nearby are larger as the properties they are attached to are much larger.
- There are no objections from statutory consultees and the Parish Council supports the application and recommends approval.
In the discussion which followed Members raised concerns regarding lack of parking but the Officer confirmed that there was sufficient for all 4 houses along the drive. There was also discussion about the cramped nature of the development and the potential harm on future occupiers and to the character and appearance of the area.
At the conclusion of the discussion, Councillor Edric Hobbs proposed approval, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, as the application would not result in overcrowding nor would the amenity of the neighbouring house be affected. This was seconded by Councillor Dawn Denton.
On being put to the vote, there were 4 votes in favour, and 4 votes against the proposal. Councillor Nick Cottle, as Chair, had a casting vote and he voted against the proposal.
It was then proposed by Councillor Bente Height and seconded by Councillor Barry Clarke to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 5 votes for (including the Chair’s casting vote) and 4 votes against.
That planning application 2023/0385/FULbe REFUSED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation which was updated verbally at the meeting to remove the 2nd reason for refusal regarding residential amenity.
Votes – 5 for, 4 against
There was a short comfort break before agenda item 7 during which Cllr Dawn Denton left the meeting.
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