Agenda item
Planning Application 2023/2183/FUL - Land to the South East of Bradford Rode, Frome, Somerset
To consider for the construction & operation of a solar photovoltaic farm with battery storage & associated infrastructure, including inverters, security cameras, fencing, access tracks & landscaping.
That planning application 2023/2183/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 6 for, 1 against, 1 abstention
1. Access arrangements on Monkley Lane.
2. The scale of the development in terms of the quantum of the application scheme and its impact on the landscape and heritage assets, in particular the conservation area and listed buildings.
Members also requested a site visit for Planning Committee Members be arranged.
Following the May Planning Committee, the following updated information had been received from the applicant:
· Cover letter confirming proposed changes.
· Updated access strategy statement
· Revised landscape and ecology overarching plan
· Revised proposed layout plan
· Revised development zone plan
· Revised plans for proposed inverters
Reconsultation with all consultees and neighbours also took place.
The Officer’s Report continued that Monkley Lane was no longer proposed to be used for any construction traffic. Also, that the applicant had submitted updated plans showing that panels would be moved further away from Flexham Farm (GII listed), and there would be enhanced landscaping on the southern side of the A361. This has resulted in the Conservation Officer removing the former objection on heritage grounds. Amendments to the proposed inverters were also proposed.
Rode Parish Council continued to object to the scheme.
The Officer’s Report concluded that considering all the harms and benefits in the overall planning balance, the benefits outweighed the harms and the application was recommended for approval.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation and also advised that there had been an update to the report on the soft landscaping plan.
There were 3 speakers in objection to the application including representatives from the Mendip Bridleways and Byways Association and CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England). Their comments included:
· The siting of the storage batteries is too close to residents, on prime farmland and pose a danger to life should a fire break out.
· Relieved that Monkley Lane will no longer be used during construction phase, however, concerned that access road within the site is only temporary.
· Emergency vehicles would have to use Monkley Lane which is too narrow and would be unsafe for vulnerable road users as it links the local bridleways and rights of way.
· Hedge removal would mean that residents would clearly see the solar panels. Want any existing and new hedging to be protected.
· Drainage on Monkley Lane needs to be improved and should be a planning condition.
· The proposed changes since the deferment from the May 2024 Committee are extremely minor and have not addressed the proximity of the solar farm to the village, the conservation area and the 75 listed buildings in the vicinity.
· No work has been done by the applicant to see if a smaller site would have still been viable and profitable.
In support of the application, there was one speaker who made the following comments:
· Farmers are encouraged to diversify by local and central government to create a sustainable future. A solar farm does this.
· The new government encourages green energy.
· The site will provide renewable energy for 16,000 homes.
· The land is very wet, unworkable clay which results in poor crops, poor herbicide efficacy and even with drainage, it often floods.
· As a result of comments from the last meeting, solar panels have been removed from around Flexham Farm which is a listed building.
· Existing hedges are tall and thick, meaning that the panels would not be visible from the village of Rode.
The next speaker represented the views of Rode Parish Council. These included:
· The revised plans have not reduced the quantum of the site, in fact, it is slightly bigger.
· Only one listed building has been considered in the revised plans.
· The access issues have only been considered during the construction period.
· Monkley Lane is too narrow for emergency vehicles.
· Proposed changes by the applicant are only minor and have not addressed all the concerns raised at the previous meeting.
· The Parish Council is extremely disappointed that the applicant has not engaged with the local community.
The Divisional Members for Frome North are Cllr Adam Boyden and Cllr Dawn Denton. Cllr Boyden was not able to attend the meeting but had sent a statement to be read out by the Chair. It included the following points:
· Satisfied that construction traffic will not be permitted to use Monkley Lane, but concerned emergency vehicle access is still to be determined.
· The scale of the development has not been fully addressed. Although applicants have slightly reduced the scale and there is increased landscaping proposed, it remains a very large footprint which is greater than the size of the village itself.
· Agrees with Rode Parish Council that the permanent and emergency access routes should be agreed prior to approval of the scheme. Also, to further reduce the scale of the development. Would request the Committee to defer again to address these issues.
Councillor Dawn Denton then spoke. She gave details of the site visit made the previous day and noted that the allocated fields were all well hidden by existing trees and hedgerows. The concerns that Monkley Lane was too narrow for emergency vehicles to access the site would also apply to the existing houses, stables and farm vehicles. It did not appear to be a concern for them. She also understood that the land had become more difficult to farm due to climate change and noted that the Conservation Officer was happy with the changes to address the impact on the heritage assets of the village.
The final speaker was the planning agent on behalf of the applicant. He made the following points:
· As a result of deferral from the May 2024 Committee, the applicant has improved the scheme.
· Further panels around Flexham Farm have been removed from the scheme.
· No construction traffic will use Monkley Lane and will now use private access from the A361.
· Panels in the field adjacent to Bradfield Road are now 20m from the hedgerow and additional hedging will be planted.
· The application has no technical objections and is supported by the Planning Officer.
In the discussion which followed Members made the following comments:
· Supportive of green solar energy but not at the expense of decent farming land.
· As the Parish Council are still not content, could consider another deferral.
· Would prefer to see the size scaled back further, away from Rode village and the property in Monkley Lane.
· Monkley Lane is not that narrow and emergency services will be able to access.
· Could enhanced landscaping particularly along Bradford Road and clearance of the footpath at the end of Monkley Lane be added to the conditions?
· The benefit of the provision of clean, green energy for 16000 homes should be balanced against the loss of poor-quality farmland. Failing crops use a lot of CO2.
· Concern that if the application was deferred again, the Council could be at risk of appeal.
· Concern over potential battery fires. Although there is a battery container management system in place, what does this do to prevent the spread of fire and toxic fumes? Could the battery storage be moved further away from houses?
· Somerset Council has declared a Climate Emergency. The application should be approved.
· The solar panels are not visible from the road when driving by and are silent – unlike wind turbines.
In response to questions raised by Members, Planning and Highways Officers advised the following:
· The applicant could appeal against non-determination if the application was deferred again.
· The fire authority is happy in principle with the detailed management plan and all consultation comments have been taking into account.
· The battery storage has been located due to it being a more contained area which will have less impact on the landscape. It is the best place for it.
· The number of panels has actually reduced in the revised plan. The landscape condition could specify species to be used if required.
· As this is not for housing application, the application does not need to be considered under the “tilted balance”. There are no objections from the Conservation or Land Officers.
· Monkley Lane is 3.7m wide. Fire engines are 2.6m wide. The fire service has been consulted on access and there have been no concerns raised on this by them.
· The landscape condition includes pre-commencement work and a timescale for all works. The applicant has agreed that some can start sooner than specified in the condition, in particular at Bradford Road, where a 16m buffer between the road and the panels will be landscaped.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Edric Hobbs and seconded by Councillor Nick Cottle to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 6 votes in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.
That planning application 2023/2183/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 6 for, 1 against, 1 abstention
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