Agenda item
Planning Application 2024/0291/FUL - Land at 363906 149818 Stockhill, Chilcompton, Radstock
To consider an application for the construction of a new agricultural barn, access improvements and associated works
That planning application 2024/0291/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 4 for, 3 against, 3 abstentions
Construction of new agricultural barn, access improvements and associated works
The Officer’s Report stated that the application had been referred to the Planning Committee as the Officer had recommended approval which was contrary to the Parish Council’s recommendation of refusal. There had also been 17 local objectors.
The application related to 3 hectares of agricultural land within the open countryside and sought full planning permission of an agricultural building with improvements to the existing field access and landscaping works. The scheme had been amended to reduce the overall height of the building to reduce its visual impact and would be of standard portal frame design with timber clad walls and a metal roof.
The Parish Council had recommended refusal due to it being outside the development limits, the impact on the landscape and lack of detail on how animal waste would be dealt with.
The Officer’s Report addressed some of the objections raised by local residents including the following:
- Applicant has no intention of farming the land.The unauthorised use of the land for motorcross use clearly demonstrates this. It is understood that the motorcross activities on the site have ceased. Any past uses of the site, unauthorised or otherwise are not a material consideration in determining the outcome of the application.
- Noise and disturbance. The use of the building for agricultural storage and animal housing will raise no adverse amenity concerns over or above those which currently exist between neighbouring land uses. Although there are protected residential properties within 400m of the site, the very limited scale of the proposal will not result is any adverse noise disturbance and subject to details of how animal waste is to be dealt with, the scheme will raise no adverse odour concerns. The Council’s Environmental Protection Officer has raised no objections to the proposal.
- No economic value/the limited size of the holding could not support a viable farming enterprise. The applicant need only to demonstrate that the building as proposed is reasonably necessary for the purposes of agriculture. There is no requirement for the applicant to demonstrate that their smallholding might be financially sound in order to ensure permission.
- Increased traffic. The very limited scale of the development is unlikely to generate any significant increase in traffic which might be considered so severe as to raise highway safety concerns locally or on the wider highway network.
The recommendation was for approval.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.
There was one speaker in objection to the application. Some of the comments made were as follows:
- He represented nearby residents from various villages who continue to oppose the plans.
- They share the belief that the purpose of the barn is to support the motocross and possibly a helicopter.
- Although the Officer’s Report states the motocross has ceased, there has been no attempt to remove it and reinstate the field to its former condition.
- The noise from the motocross is highly intrusive and the track has destroyed the view for 5 nearby homeowners.
- Concerns that the disposal of animal waste from the barn may not be adequately controlled and water from field seeps into the land and possibly the stream.
In the discussion which some of the comments made by Members included the following:
- Not seen an application recommended for approval with so many genuine objections.
- The location of the barn on such a small field does not seem to be sustainable.
- There are conflicting views on what the use of the barn is. Could it be conditioned to only be used as an agricultural store and not a helicopter store.
- Concern about potential pollution of the nearby watercourse from the animal waste.
- Are there badgers or other protected species on the land?
In response to questions raised, the Planning Officer stated that any conditions added need to be reasonable. The barn will have multiple uses such as a feed store, tractor store and potentially animal housing. The wording of the conditions reflect these potential uses. No badgers have been located but other protected species have, which is why there are conditions to protect them. If the applicant uses the land for something other than what has been approved, it would be an enforcement issue.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Martin Lovell and seconded by Councillor Adam Boyden to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 4 in favour 3 against, 3 abstentions.
That planning application 2024/0291/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 4 for, 3 against, 3 abstentions
Supporting documents:
- Planning Application 2024/0291/FUL, item 172. PDF 94 KB
- Planning Application 2024/0291/FUL Map, item 172. PDF 136 KB