Agenda item
Planning Application 21/00311/OUT - Land to the North of Somerton Road, Adj. The White Bungalow, Somerton Road, Langport.
To consider an outline planning application for up to 100 dwellings, associated open space and infrastructure with all matters reserved except access.
Members APPROVED the amended Education contribution and subject to a s106 agreement securing the above provisions and conditions to ensure that the development proceeds in a manner that protects public interest while meeting regulatory requirements.
That planning application 21/00311/OUT for the outline planning application for up to 100 dwellings, associated open space and infrastructure with all matters reserved except access at Land To The North Of Somerton Road, Adj The White Bungalow, Somerton Road, Langport, Somerset, be APPROVED subject to:-
The prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation, in a form acceptable to the Council's solicitors, before the decision notice granting planning permission is issued, the said planning permission to cover the following items/issues:
1. Phosphate Mitigation. Requires Abri to be party to the s106 to secure mitigation.
2. The provision of affordable housing requiring a cascade mechanism.
3. Highway infrastructure and works.
4. Education contribution (revised contribution as approved by the Planning South Committee on 28th May 2024)
5. Travel Plan
6. Management of Public Open Space
7. NHS Contributions
(voting: unanimous)
The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report and explained why the application had been referred back to committee being solely on the basis that the Education Authority had significantly reduced its request for contributions, and therefore considered appropriate that this committee should have the opportunity to review its position.
He then proceeded with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation to highlight key elements of the proposal including:
· Site location.
· An indicative masterplan.
· A reminder that this was an outline application with all matters reserved except access.
· It was noted the Open Spaces Officer had indicated that the open play space would be better sited in the centre of the proposed development rather than in the location shown on the indicative masterplan, and the exact location of the play space would be addressed at the Reserved Matters stage.
· Details of the proposed access.
· The proposal was within the direction of growth in the Local Plan.
· There was approximately a 250m distance kept between the proposed development and Wearne – a distance considered acceptable to prevent coalescence.
He referred to the key considerations being the principle of development, Highway Access, Education Authority reduced contributions from £1,183,007.46 to £410,938.46 and S106 Obligations, and explained:
· The phosphate mitigation proposed and confirmed that this had been approved by Natural England and the Council with this being secured by a s106 agreement.
· Highways had not raised an objection with the travel plan to be secured by a S106 agreement.
· Explained the reasons why the education authority had reduced their contributions and why considered acceptable.
The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and the prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation as set out in the agenda report.
One member of the public addressed the committee in objection to the application and as the owner of the adjacent white bungalow sought clarification regarding the future use of the nearby recently gated access.
The Applicant then addressed the committee. Some of his comments included:
· Reminded members the application had previously been approved at committee in December 2023 with no material considerations or policy changes since this date.
· Noted the only change had been the reduction of contributions from the Education Authority and explained the reason why this was the case.
In response to the comment made by the member of the public, the Planning Officer confirmed the access adjacent to the white bungalow was currently being used illegally as a short cut to access the Right of Way. It had been gated to stop this happening with discussions now taking place to potentially reroute the pedestrian right of way, although this has not yet been made.
During a short debate members raised slight concern regarding the revised education contributions but overall voiced their support for the application.
It was proposed by Councillor Tim Kerley and seconded by Councillor Henry Hobhouse, to approve the application as per the officer recommendation as set out in the agenda report and subject to Section 106 obligation.
On being put to the vote, the proposal was carried unanimously.
Members APPROVED the amended Education contribution and subject to a s106 agreement securing the above provisions and conditions to ensure that the development proceeds in a manner that protects public interest while meeting regulatory requirements.
That planning application 21/00311/OUT for the outline planning application for up to 100 dwellings, associated open space and infrastructure with all matters reserved except access at Land To The North Of Somerton Road, Adj The White Bungalow, Somerton Road, Langport, Somerset, be APPROVED subject to:-
The prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation, in a form acceptable to the Council's solicitors, before the decision notice granting planning permission is issued, the said planning permission to cover the following items/issues:
1. Phosphate Mitigation. Requires Abri to be party to the s106 to secure mitigation.
2. The provision of affordable housing requiring a cascade mechanism.
3. Highway infrastructure and works.
4. Education contribution (revised contribution as approved by the Planning South Committee on 28th May 2024)
5. Travel Plan
6. Management of Public Open Space
7. NHS Contributions
(voting: unanimous)
Supporting documents: