Agenda item
Nexus Local Development Order
To complete the review and ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the Local Development Order, with additional text stated in the report.
Councillor Richard Wilkins proposed the
recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Dixie Darch.
Having been duly proposed and seconded, the Planning
and Transport Policy Sub-CommitteeRESOLVED to:-
retain the LDO as it
in accordance with Condition 1 (a) of the LDO, subject to the additional text (highlighted in
bold below).
a.The LDO and the terms within it will be active for a period of 15 years following the day of its adoption and will expire following this period.
will review progress with the LDO on the 5th anniversary of its
adoption to be able to fully reflect on the
continuity continued suitability of the LDO
light ifof
any changes to planning
TheThis first review will be completed with 28 days of the 5th
anniversary and at the end of the review the LPA will
determine whether
Retain the LDO as it stands for the remaining 10 years of its
b) Retain but revise some elements; or
c) Revoke and cancel the LDO
Further to this first review, and on the assumption that the LPA has not determined to revoke and cancel the LDO as a result of the first review, the LPA shall, within 5 years of the first review, conduct a second review of the LDO following which the LPA shall determine whether to:
a. Retain the LDO as it stands (or as it has previously been revised following the first review) for the remainder of the 15 year duration for the LDO as set by this Condition 1
b. Retain the LDO (whether as initially drawn or if revised following the first review then as revised) but revise some elements including the nature of the development which underpins it
c. Revoke and cancel the LDO
The second review of the LDO shall consider the on-going suitability of the development proposals in the LDO in planning terms.
Development which has
beencommenced under the provisions of
the LDO can
shall be able to
be completed in
the event that the LDO
· is revoked as a result of the first or second review; or
· is revised as a result of the first or second review in a manner which renders the development as commenced incompatible with the LDO as revised; or
· expires.
isAny carrying
out of development pursuant to this LDO shall be subject to the LPA's confirmation of compliance issued under
the Pre
Development process.
The Principal Planning Policy Officer, James Holbrook, introduced the report which requested members to complete the review and ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the Local Development Order (LDO). It also proposed that the wording of Condition 1 was also amended to address some minor typographical errors and to insert an additional review period (second review) in order that the regeneration benefits of the LDO could be secured.
The Sub-Committee discussed the report and the following points were raised:-
· Councillors agreed that the report provided a sensible approach to ensure compliance with Condition 1 of the LDO.
· Councillors acknowledged the importance of noting the review in 5 years and the revision of the wording in Condition 1.
Councillor Richard Wilkins proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Dixie Darch.
Resolved that the Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committeeagreed to retain the LDO as it stood, in accordance with Condition 1 (a) of the LDO, subject to the additional text (highlighted in bold below).
a) The LDO and the terms within it will be active for a period of 15 years following the day of its adoption and will expire following this period.
LPA will review progress with the LDO on the 5th anniversary of its
adoption to be able to fully reflect on the
continuity continued
suitability of the LDO
in?the light
ifof any changes to planning
first review
will be completed with 28 days of the 5th anniversary and at the
end of the review the LPA will determine whether
Retain the LDO as it
stands for the remaining 10 years
of its life;
b) Retain but revise some elements; or
c) Revoke and cancel the LDO
Further to this first review, and on the assumption that the LPA has not determined to revoke and cancel the LDO as a result of the first review, the LPA shall, within 5 years of the first review, conduct a second review of the LDO following which the LPA shall determine whether to:
a) Retain the LDO as it stands (or as it has previously been revised following the first review) for the remainder of the 15 year duration for the LDO as set by this Condition 1
b) Retain the LDO (whether as initially drawn or if revised following the first review then as revised) but revise some elements including the nature of the development which underpins it
c) Revoke and cancel the LDO
The second review of the LDO shall consider the on-going suitability of the development proposals in the LDO in planning terms.
which has beencommenced under the
provisions of the LDO can shall be able
to be
completed in the event that
the LDO
· is revoked as a result of the first or second review; or
· is revised as a result of the first or second review in a manner which renders the development as commenced incompatible with the LDO as revised; or
· expires.
isAny carrying out
of development pursuant to this LDO shall be subject to the LPA's confirmation of compliance
issued under the Pre
Development process.
Supporting documents: