Agenda item

Scrutiny Review

Recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee Corporate and Resources and the Chairs of the five scrutiny committees.


Councillor Bob Filmer proposed the recommendations which were second by Councillor Leigh Redman.


Having been duly proposed and seconded, the Council RESOLVED to approve that:-

1)     The current structure of 5 scrutiny committees to remain in place, with a further scrutiny review to be conducted by the scrutiny chairs in late 2024/early 2025 following any potential service restructure.

2)    The scrutiny manager was tasked with preparing a revised and improved scrutiny report template, which enabled clearer and more concise presentation of reports, a standard consistency of reports across all 5 scrutiny committees, a clearer link between committee recommendations onto the Executive/Executive Member(s) and ensuring service areas clearly demonstrated where scrutiny was able to add value.

3)    That all 5 scrutiny committees adopted a consistent approach to dealing with information only items, in order that agendas were kept clear for items with specific recommendations and the opportunity for the committees to add value. This information also to include details of any delegated decisions the scrutiny chair had been consulted on.

4)    To bolster the links between all 5 scrutiny committees and the Executive by ensuring clear communication between the parties and encourage increased opportunities for committee chairs to update the Executive on areas of focus and present any recommendations/proposals the committee have agreed. Also for the Democratic Services team to establish a central record of all formal scrutiny recommendations and the responses to them.

5)    The scrutiny manager to liaise with the 5 Group Leaders in advance of the AGM Council meeting (May 2024) in order to provide detailed attendance information on each of the Committee’s membership, to ensure committee membership and substitutes reflected maximum engagement and consistency.

6)    The scrutiny manager to liaise with the 5 Group Leaders to ensure a consistent, timely and wherever possible consistent approach to scrutiny substitutes.

7)     Elected committee membership to remain as 13 individual members.

8)    To continue with the monthly meetings of the 5 Scrutiny Chairs, Vice Chairs and scrutiny manager.

9)    To continue with the model of an Executive Director aligned to each Committee as the lead service officer and to encourage continued attendance from all relevant Executive Members.

10)To support the continuation of a dedicated scrutiny resource from the Democratic Services team, to allow for more effective and efficient scrutiny and increase scrutiny opportunities, whilst ensuring resilience within the officer cohort.


The Chair of Scrutiny Committee for Corporate and Resources, Councillor Bob Filmer, introduced the report on the Scrutiny Review which was considered and endorsed by the Scrutiny Committee for Corporate and Resources at its meeting on 25 April 2024 and the Executive at its meeting on 8 May 2024.


The report detailed the work carried out throughout the review and highlighted certain areas of focus which included:-

·       Committee member engagement

·       Scrutiny agendas, reports and meeting cycle

·       Scrutiny staff resource

·       Improving the link between Scrutiny and Execuitve


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·       The Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Resources and Performance thanked the Scrutiny Committees for all their hard work especially the work carried out through the budget setting process.

·       The Leader of the Council thanked councillors and officers for their work on the review.

·       Councillors valued the work of the Scrutiny Committees and that they formed an essential part of the democratic pathway.

·       Councillors queried whether the dedicated Scrutiny Resource would be retained throughout the restructure.


Councillor Bob Filmer proposed the recommendations which were second by Councillor Leigh Redman.


Having been duly proposed and seconded, the Council RESOLVED to approve that:-

1)     The current structure of 5 scrutiny committees to remain in place, with a further scrutiny review to be conducted by the scrutiny chairs in late 2024/early 2025 following any potential service restructure.

2)    The scrutiny manager was tasked with preparing a revised and improved scrutiny report template, which enabled clearer and more concise presentation of reports, a standard consistency of reports across all 5 scrutiny committees, a clearer link between committee recommendations onto the Executive/Executive Member(s) and ensuring service areas clearly demonstrated where scrutiny was able to add value.

3)    That all 5 scrutiny committees adopted a consistent approach to dealing with information only items, in order that agendas were kept clear for items with specific recommendations and the opportunity for the committees to add value. This information also to include details of any delegated decisions the scrutiny chair had been consulted on.

4)    To bolster the links between all 5 scrutiny committees and the Executive by ensuring clear communication between the parties and encourage increased opportunities for committee chairs to update the Executive on areas of focus and present any recommendations/proposals the committee have agreed. Also for the Democratic Services team to establish a central record of all formal scrutiny recommendations and the responses to them.

5)    The scrutiny manager to liaise with the 5 Group Leaders in advance of the AGM Council meeting (May 2024) in order to provide detailed attendance information on each of the Committee’s membership, to ensure committee membership and substitutes reflected maximum engagement and consistency.

6)    The scrutiny manager to liaise with the 5 Group Leaders to ensure a consistent, timely and wherever possible consistent approach to scrutiny substitutes.

7)     Elected committee membership to remain as 13 individual members.

8)    To continue with the monthly meetings of the 5 Scrutiny Chairs, Vice Chairs and scrutiny manager.

9)    To continue with the model of an Executive Director aligned to each Committee as the lead service officer and to encourage continued attendance from all relevant Executive Members.

10)To support the continuation of a dedicated scrutiny resource from the Democratic Services team, to allow for more effective and efficient scrutiny and increase scrutiny opportunities, whilst ensuring resilience within the officer cohort.

Supporting documents: