Agenda item
Planning Application 24/23/00016 Land To The North Of, Old Bristol Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9
To consider an application for the approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for the erection of 40no. dwellings – Deferred application from a previous committee.
That planning application 24/23/00016 for the approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for the erection of 40no. dwellings at land to the north of, Old Bristol Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the Agenda report.
(voting: 2 in favour, 0 against, 7 abstentions)
The planning officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a presentation. She confirmed that this application for the approval of reserved matters had been deferred from 12 March 2024 to allow for confirmation of the Affordable Housing Officer’s comments, location of the affordable housing, consideration of the location of the play space and for some further clarification on drainage matters.
The Committee were addressed by 5 residents and the Parish Council in opposition to the application. Their concerns included:
· Sewerage
· Flooding from the site
· LEAP not suitable overlooked
· Land ownership of the verges and access to the site
· That the Affordable Housing Managers’s objections had not been rescinded
The Committee were addressed by the agent who explained that they had reviewed the location of the affordable housing and the LEAP and that the boundary would now have metal railings.
In response to some of the issues highlighted by speakers and questions from members the planning officer advised the Committee that:
§ The Housing Enabling Team, now that the Affordable Housing Manager no longer worked for the Council, had confirmed that they were happy with the updated layout.
§ The foul sewer connection agreement was usually sorted out once development commenced. But under condition no. 23 of the outline application occupation of the properties could not commence until it had been agreed.
§ Comments had recently been received from the Internal Drainage Board who were now happy with the 9m easement and the access to the green and they were satisfied with the discharge rates from the surface water network. They had some concerns over the easement provided between the development and the ordinary watercourse and how that would be managed by the maintenance company.
§ Whilst land ownership, construction access and footpaths all fell outside the remit of this reserved matters application.
§ Officers had no evidence that the land ownership issues could not be overcome.
§ Refuse and recycling vehicles would still access the development should the roads not be adopted.
§ The Parks and Open Space Team and the Designing Out Crime Officer have now confirmed that they are happy with the amended proposals for the LEAP.
Members discussed the application and raised their concerns over the land ownership issues and the potential stalemate that could lead to properties being built that could not be occupied that would then become an enforcement issue. The Committee, whilst wishing that land ownership issues could be resolved before construction commenced, acknowledged that unfortunately, this was not part of the application that stood before them. It was proposed by Cllr Bradford and Seconded by Cllr Bolt to support the officer recommendation to grant permission.
That planning application 24/23/00016 for the approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for the erection of 40no. dwellings at land to the north of, Old Bristol Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the Agenda report.
(voting: 2 in favour, 0 against, 7 abstentions)
The Committee then adjourned for a 10 minute comfort break.
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