Agenda item

Children’s Services Transformation Plan (deep dive)

To consider PowerPoint presentation (to follow).


As background, refer to update to Executive on 5 June 2024 – Somerset Council Improvement and Transformation Programme Risk Register and Programme Update


The following members previously indicated an interest / have been involved in the priorities / areas discussions:-


·         Education for Life – Jo Simons.

·         CLA Transformation – Cllr Evie Potts-Jones, Cllr Martin Lovell.

·         SEND Strategy – Cllr Simon Carswell, Cllr Frances Nicholson.

·         Connect Somerset – Tobie Osmond, Ruth Hobbs.


Note – the Chair will allow 55 minutes for this agenda item.


The Committee received a presentation on the Children’s Transformation Programme, providing an update / summary on progress, overarching finance summary, MTFP tracker and on the work of the priority workstreams:–


·         Local mainstream school is the right choice for most children

·         Developing an excellent workforce for children

·         Families can access support early

·         Sufficient homes for children in care and school places for children with additional needs in Somerset


During the discussion on the roll-out of Transform Family View on Azure platform, which is enabling more data sharing and insight, it was agreed that data sharing and ‘how it works’, be added to the work plan.


The Committee thanked officers for the excellent and informative update.


The Chair welcomed the following to the meeting for this agenda item - C Winter - Executive Director of Children, Families and Education, A Walker – Service Director – Education, R Selwyn – Service Director – Commissioning & Performance and J Shelbourn-Barrow- Service Director – Children & Families.


The Committee received a presentation on the Children’s Transformation Programme, which provided an update / summary on progress, overarching finance summary and MTFP tracker and a detailed update on the work of the priority workstreams. The Executive Director explained that the vision is that ‘Somerset’s children and young people grow up in a safe, child friendly county that supports them to be happy, healthy and prepared for adulthood.’


The priority workstreams are:-

·      Local mainstream school is the right choice for most children

·      Developing an excellent workforce for children

·      Families can access support early

·      Sufficient homes for children in care and school places for children with additional needs in Somerset


The Committee discussed the progress update, asked a number of questions and made a number of comments, which were responded to at the meeting:-

·      requested an explanation about the delays to Homes and Horizons homes 6 to 8, which is extremely concerning – explained that there is funding but are a number of reasons for the delays; there had been three externally commissioned evaluations of the project’s value for money of Homes & Horizons last year which placed a delay on progressing two of them; some capacity issues within the LA (planning officers, and property team also very stretched); ground conditions and planning requirements and third-party delays; doing all can to deliver as soon as possible. 

·      workforce turnover, number of social workers, and concerns about morale in some teams – there is a national problem around social worker recruitment and is a very difficult market as there are not enough newly qualified social workers coming through; mentioned that the degree programme for social working in Yeovil college has a fallow year as there are not enough young people coming in who want to take a social work degree; are keeping eye of the case loads of social workers; pressure in system (HR capacity for example); social worker staff turnover is low here and if staff do leave they tend to either leave the profession entirely or move into locum work; mention of the work around recruitment and retention of social workers; in the education sector, there are ‘pinch areas’ in the workforce, such as senior leadership team; looking at supported pathways / alternative routes in teaching; also mention made about the education restructure, and have corporate agreement that consultation can commence in September.

·      recruitment of foster carers – aim is to have 10 net additional foster carers in each of next 3 years and are on target to achieve this; will also review the foster carers comms / campaign to ensure it remains effective; are part of the regional fostering hub and undertake regional advertising.

·      the workstream ‘local mainstream school is right choice for most children’ – query about what ‘most children’ means – explained that ‘most’ means the vast majority and recognising that some need specialist provision.

·      social care case management system roll out to external partners is exciting – will really help to have 1 case management system across system.

·      during the discussion on data sharing and the roll-out of Transform Family View on Azure platform, which is enabling more data sharing and insight, it was agreed that data sharing (‘how it works’), will be added to the work plan.

·      reference to the Thrive16+ support to young people (preventing homelessness accommodation) - the 2 YMCA’s are main providers and it is going well; there are challenges especially due to the lack of move-on accommodation; members are welcome to visit if wish and relevant contact information will be circulated.


The Committee thanked officers for the excellent and informative update.

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