Agenda item

Developing the Approach to Transformation – Future Council

To consider the report.


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive:


1.      Approved the proposed scope of the Improvement and Transformation Programme.

2.     Noted the emerging programme timeline.

3.     Noted the progress made since February 2024 and the intention to provide regular update reports to Executive.



The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited the Lead Member for Transformation and Human Resources, Cllr Theo Butt Philip, to introduce the report. 


The Lead Member for Transformation and Human Resources, Cllr Theo Butt Philip, introduced the report highlighting:the progress that had been made to further scope, define, and deliver the approach to whole Council transformation in recognition of the complexity, scale and pace of transformation and change that is required to deliver the Council vision and support financial sustainability; that the report is the first of a regular series of progress reports that will be provided to Executive; that the approach to whole Council transformation is now encompassed within the Improvement and Transformation Programme which brings together the activity required to deliver the Council’s vision, redesign the organisation, reshape the workforce, transform the services, and deliver  savings; that the Programme will comprise five component interrelated parts which will run concurrently over the next 12 months: New Organisational Design, Workforce Programme, Innovation and Change Programme, Partnerships, Devolution and Localities Programme, Savings Delivery Plan; that the overarching transformation approach is key to closing the budget gap for 2024/25 and to support long-term financial stability of the Council; the workforce reduction programme within the transformation portfolio delivers the single largest financial benefit in 2025/26 and is therefore an essential element toward future financial stability; the change programmes and delivery plans through devolution work;  thanked the Scrutiny Committees for their valuable engagement and feedback into the process and programme.


The Service Director for Strategy and Performance, Sara Cretney, further added to the above points, highlighting: that the improvement in transformation programme further refines the approach to transformation and brings together key threads of activity to provide a whole organisation overview and prioritisation of time and resources; the pace, scale and complexity of the transformation and change that is required to deliver the vision and to support financial sustainability.


The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited comments from other Members present, questions and points raised included: the all Scrutiny Committees’ feedback and valued continued updates, including the planned cross scrutiny working group with clear terms of reference and a timelines to be defined and communicated; the loss of key talent, organisational memory, knowledge and skills; the systematic processes to capture and support managers to retain and transfer knowledge; the difficult and uncertain times for staff leading into a more efficient Council, including service stability, health and well-being implications of all staff particularly for those who may have particular circumstances or protected characteristics and the programme of support for staff and managers through change and organisational development; the Voluntary Redundancy process and the need to ensure that staff are not leaving the council insufficiently resourced; the target operating model, including risks and mitigation, the impact of taking resources out of the organisation and the need to understand and manage the impacts on services, the interpretation and provision of statutory / non statutory services and service standards both locally and nationally, and the work needed to clearly communicate the clarity of expected services council wide and to Somerset residents; the impact of non optimum services; the social value implications of the report and the concern about the social value implications of creating a smaller council; the progress and partnership work on the Somerset Charter; the mitigated rag ratings identified in the report and concern regarding the non-delivery of medium-term financial plan savings; the work taking place to form continuity and consistency of risk reporting Council wide, including setting up a performance, risk and budget monitoring board; the ongoing devolution work with City, Town and Parish Councils; the disposing of assets and the capitalisation directive;  the scale, ambition challenge considering local government reorganisation and an election impacts; and Voluntary Redundancy assessment and analysis.

The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, emphasised the Council’s achievements over the past year and expressed his gratitude to staff for their hard work and excellent performance under the most challenging conditions and the Scrutiny Committees for their crucial work, input and feedback.

The Executive proceeded to vote on the recommendations, which were agreed unanimously.???? 


Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive: 


1.             Approved the proposed scope of the Improvement and Transformation Programme.  


2.            Noted the emerging programme timeline.  


3.            Noted the progress made since February 2024 and the intention to provide regular update reports to Executive. 



ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report.???  


REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report.? 


Supporting documents: