Agenda item

Planning Application 22/00180/OUT - Land Adjoining Wheathill Lane, Milborne Port.

To consider an outline planning application for up to 58 dwellings, sustainable drainage infrastructure, new open space including allotments, parking area for neighbouring cemetery, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except access.




That planning application 22/00180/OUT for up to 58 dwellings, sustainable drainage infrastructure, new open space including allotments, parking area for neighbouring cemetery, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except for access at Land Adjoining Wheathill Lane, Milborne Port be APPROVED, subject to the prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour)



The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report. With the aid of a Powerpoint presentation he highlighted key elements of the proposal including:

·       This was an outline application to consider the principle of development and the access only at this stage.

·       Indicative site layout and location plans including public footpaths.

·       Details of the access to be agreed at this stage.

·       Key considerations including:

o   Principle of development

o   Visual and residential amenity

o   Access and highway safety

o   Flooding and drainage

o   Ecology and phosphate mitigation

o   Archaeology and heritage

o   Broadband

o   Loss of agricultural land

o   Benefits


He highlighted that the potential for residential amenity impacts were minimal and mitigated. Regarding broadband – an informative was proposed as there was other legislation regarding requirements.


The application was recommended for approval subject to the planning obligations and conditions as et out in the report.


Division member, Councillor Nicola Clark, addressed the committee and noted that she and her fellow division member had had several discussions with the community regarding the application. She referred to the number of objections raised and commented that if the application were to be approved there should be monitoring to allay local fears, especially regarding drainage concerns. She also made reference to local public transport provision. The benefits of the proposal were noted including the provision of allotments and parking for the cemetery etc, but a robust planning obligation would be required to ensure local needs. She also mentioned the need for EV charging and broadband, and asked members to take careful consideration of Milborne Port’s future.


The agent then addressed the committee and reinforced some elements of the officer report. Some of his points included:

·       The location was effectively an infill site.

·       Milborne Port was a sustainable location and on a public transport route.

·       No objections from statutory consultees.

·       Many of the local objections raised were from residents on Wheathill Way regarding highway safety or drainage, however Highways had no objection.

·       The applicants were a local family and had discussed the proposal with the Parish Council from an early stage. The Parish Council had wanted allotments, an extension to the cemetery and a dog walking route away from the recreation ground, and these elements were included in the proposal. The number of dwellings had also been reduced as requested by the Parish Council.

·       This application was an exemplar of working with the community.


The Planning Officer responded to questions and points of detail raised by members, including:

·       Acknowledge comments regarding privacy for visitors to the cemetery. Details of the landscaping plan would be for the reserved matters stage.

·       The additional benefits proposed would be included in the S106 planning obligation.

·       Confirmation there would be a requirement for the developer to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), however, there was no guarantee a TRO would be granted.


During a brief discussion several members expressed their support for the proposal, and some of the comments included:

·       Impressed with the proposal and how the applicants and agent have worked with the community.

·       As agent said this is an exemplar way of working.

·       Commend the local engagement.

·       Support the proposal as Milborne Port has several facilities.

·       Note the Parish Council says it cautiously supports the application – am of the opinion we can condition for the objections raised.


At the conclusion of debate, it was proposed by Councillor Martin Wale and seconded by Councillor Evie Potts-Jones, to approve the application subject to a Section 106 planning obligation and imposition of conditions, as per the officer recommendation detailed in the agenda report. On being put to the vote, members were unanimous in favour of approval.



That planning application 22/00180/OUT for up to 58 dwellings, sustainable drainage infrastructure, new open space including allotments, parking area for neighbouring cemetery, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except for access at Land Adjoining Wheathill Lane, Milborne Port be APPROVED, subject to the prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour)


Supporting documents: