Agenda item
Bridgwater Town Deal
To receive a presentation on the Bridgwater Town Deal.
Paul Moore, the Chairman of the Bridgwater Town Deal gave a presentation highlighting:
· In 2019 the Government had been looking for 101 towns to submit bids of up to £25 million for improvements and as a result of a successful bid they had been awarded £23.2 million for 11 projects to improve Bridgwater and its town centre.
· They had looked at the strategic priorities for local investment:
Ø Maximising the community potential
Ø Re-energising the town centre
Ø Sustainable access and movement
· The money has to be spent by 2026 or it is returned to the Government.
· Some projects had to be ruled out due to the time constraints and/or ownership issues e.g. Bridgwater Hospital and the Classic Building.
· The 11 projects fell under 3 main headings:
Ø Unlocking Growth
Ø Bridgwater Tidal Barrier - a contribution towards a cycle path and pedestrian access.
Ø Dunball Junction - Improvements to the Junction to unlock housing and employment land for development.
Ø Walking & Cycling – The provision of local cycling links connecting the EDF funded river trail to the docks and Northgate Yard for access to the Town Centre.
Ø Places and Spaces
Ø Celebration Mile – a long held aspiration of the former District Council to improve St Johns Street & Eastover.
Ø Restoration of the historic Docks - to create a new leisure and tourism destination.
Ø Diversifying Town Centre Offer and Installing Civic Pride
Ø Arts Centre – To create essential flexibility to support local artists and cultural events in the grade I listed building with an improved Theatre, 1st & 2nd floor and circulation spaces.
Ø Town Hall Theatre – To provide a cultural facility with inclusive access, improved lighting, changing facilities, a lift and a new reception space.
Ø Engine Room 2.0 – Providing increased capacity for the community media centre, engaging people with digital art and media enhancing skills and giving opportunities to disadvantaged parts of the community.
Ø Bridgwater “Step Up” – a flexible business and enterprise hub including creative “pop-up” and “taster-event” space and support. The funding for this had been reduced and they were currently looking for a venue.
Ø Bridgwater Carnival – As a big part of Bridgwater and its identity was the Carnival they were helping to secure the future of carnival events by part funding phase 1 of the carnival production space.
Ø Town Wardens / Event Ambassadors - Public engagement had highlighted this up as a potential asset to the town centre as it provided a support presence to help reduce antisocial behaviour and build confidence for visitors.
The LCN then split into groups to consider the following questions:
- From the following
list of projects that were not taken up by the Town Deal,
which ones do you feel could be a priority for the residents of
- Bridgwater Hospital
- Mecca Building
- Bridgewater College - Centre of Sporting Excellence
- Blake Museum
- Cycle paths
- What ideas/thoughts do you have for this to be successful?
- Which partners should be working together for this to happen?
The following feedback/suggestions were given:
Ø Refurbishment of the Bridgwater Library, a pop-up food venue at the Bowerings Building and cycle paths with links to the College and the work of the Active Travel Group.
Ø There were concerns over the lack of momentum now that Sedgemoor had been replaced by the new Unitary Authority.
Ø Cycle routes and improvements around the Docks and Russell Place
Ø Bridgwater Town Council held £30k for a feasibility study of the Classic Buildings.
Ø Brick and Tile Museum and the Blake Museum – improvement to enhance the visitor experience of these valuable tourist assets.