Agenda item

Exmoor Highways Sub-group Update

To include the following matters:-


·         A letter to parishes was circulated on the 26 February 2024, advising of the current Highway Service options available.


·         The draft notes from the Highways sub-group of the 23 February 2024.


·         An update on the B3224 Roundwaters Scheme – A further public meeting to be held on Wednesday 13 March at the Moorland Hall, Cutcombe. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.



The minutes of the Exmoor Highways working group from the 23 February had been circulated in advance of the meeting.


Somerset Financial Emergency

The Chair advised that following the setting of the Somerset Council 2024/25 budget, the services at risk of being cut in the Highways budget had been granted a temporary reprieve. It was now for the parishes within the Exmoor LCN to decide how they wanted to deliver on the priorities which had been set.


A letter had been circulated in the agenda pack which outlined the various services available to the LCN in respect of Highways. Somerset Council was in the process of putting together a parish price list, which would be coming from their preferred contractor, Kier. Cllr Pugsley stated it would be interesting to see whether this would be the best price from the parishes point of view. (As had been proved by the devolved funding exercise, some sub-contractors could come in at a lower price).


Highways Subgroup

The recommendations in Item 9 of the minutes were accepted. This included to continue with the Highways working group after the 31 March, and to consider working with another LCN to progress with a Highway Steward. (The Chair accepted that there was still a considerable amount of work to do to ensure fairness for the different parishes).


Christine Dubery/Dulverton Town Council were thanked for facilitating of the Devolved Funding Jetting Schemes. This had proved the value of the pilot but involved a considerable amount of Christine’s personal time. It was unfair to load parish councillors (who are largely volunteers) with this level of work. It was important that an equitable way was found to administer the work, if the LCN was to succeed.


B3224 Roundwaters (Exmoor Ravine)

A public meeting to update the parishes on the progress of the scheme was due to be held at the Moorland Hall, Cutcombe on Wednesday 13 March. Doors would open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. The Chair advised that this would be an information event, which would showcase the machinery and meet the contractor and engineers associated with the project.


Officers from Somerset Council Highways and Bridges/Structures would be present on the evening. Cllr Jon Levenson from Cutcombe PC thanked Ross Matthews (Somerset Council Bridges) for his efforts to ensure that the Snowdrop Valley Festival was accessible despite the diversions and disruption. It was also noted that Walters had been carrying out daily checks on the signage.


Comments on the project were very positive, and Cllrs present were grateful for the opportunities presented to visit the site and view the machinery in action.


  • Winsford PC – Cllr Colin Wilkins highlighted the various issues arising due to the increased traffic flow through the village – damaged verges, mud on the road and general deterioration of the road surface. Kali Martin said that Somerset Highways were monitoring the situation and would carry out remedial works once the work had been completed. It had been suggested to site some temporary SIDS in the village to address the anti-social driving.


Winter Maintenance

Kevin and Kali were present at the meeting, and advised that the new Somerset Council contractor, Keir would be starting on April 1, 2024. (Taking over from Milestone).


There were currently 900 jobs outstanding on the highways portal, which was sometimes recording up to 300 new incidents daily. These would back up if other emergency response work took priority. Overall, the winter had been very mild on Exmoor, with more water than ice/snow falling. This had reduced pressures on the gritting service, which was a relief. It was envisaged that the full complement of gritters would be available for the 2024/25 winter.


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