Agenda item

Update from Working Groups


Nathan Turnbull informed the LCN that a meeting of the Highway Working Group was due to take place on 4 April in the daytime with the venue to be arranged.  He said that this would be a good opportunity to meet with highway colleagues to discuss individual issues and topics.  He urged parishes/town councils to send a representative to the meeting.


It was noted that a meeting of the Connectivity and Transport Working Group had taken place the previous day but unfortunately there was a very low attendance.  He was keen to find out about the current issues and what parishes wanted.


It was noted that there was also a low attendance for the Anti-Social Behaviour Working Group.  He highlighted that the working groups would be where the work would happen and urged members of the LCN to get involved and to also encourage other parish representatives who may have a particular interest to also become involved.  It was suggested that Gareth Williams be invited to attend.


It was suggested that it would be a good idea to have details of the Working Groups on the Yeovil LCN webpage in addition to sending out emails about the meetings.


Table Discussion


In break out groups, attendees were asked to consider a number of discussion questions (sub-headings below):


Highways and Traffic

Ahead of our first Highways and Traffic working group meeting


1.      Please note all the issues you are experiencing in your parish/area?


Potholes, flooding, drains, gullies, parking

Road resurfacing


Ilchester By Pass Diversion Route

Localised flooding not being addressed

Blocked gullies/list of reported items

Price of Parish Ranger

Overgrowth of hedges

Speeding and there are particular hot spots. 

Pot holes - larger pot holes are being filled but small ones are not (even though sometimes they are next to larger ones) - they are getting dangerous as drivers swerve

Parking outside of peoples houses is often contentious - we would welcome more information about disabled spaces and what happens if residents cone off areas outside their own house


2.     What would you like to happen as a result of meeting with Highways colleagues?


Fill in the potholes

Future planning

A response and action


Re-connect Fix My Street

Will parish pay of no money available at Somerset Council

Would welcome an increased police presence at speeding hot spots - and an idea to work with schools during Road Safety week

Would welcome more information about enforcement, perhaps support to set up more community speed watch groups

Would welcome more information about disabled spaces and what happens if residents cone off areas outside their own house


3.     How can you ensure all parishes are represented – who should be included in the working group?


Direct communication from local parishioners

Social media

Anyone who has an interest or talent

Two representatives from all parishes

Not all day meetings – some evening maybe teams/zoom is preferable

A suggestion that we might look to have a parish roadshow to better understand what matters to residents - an organisation in Wincanton is hosting a bacon bap and chat session - could we do something similar in parishes


Connectivity and Transport


Why is this a significant priority for the LCN?


Nationalise Bus & Train Transport System

Transport is important to residents


What are the current issues?

Lack of buses

Lack of Broadband – mobile phone masts

Bus cuts

Price rises

Promotion of bus services not being seen

Overgrowth of hedges

Lack of transport limits peoples’ social lives attending groups etc and in turn makes them become isolated.


Who can tell us more about these issues, residents, others?  Should we continue to look to establish a working group, or could the concerns raised be addressed in a full LCN meeting by inviting key representatives to attend?


Chamber of Commerce

Love Yeovil

Yeovil shop keepers


LCN should be established before working groups

Quarterly meetings of LCN

Stop having working groups and go out and visit the groups