Agenda item

Planning Application 23/02730/REM - Holly Tree Farm, Longstrings Lane, Crewkerne TA18 7EA

To consider a Reserved Matters application for approval of appearance, layout and scale of approval 19/02921/OUT for the erection of 2 dwellings.




That planning application 23/02730/REM Reserved Matters application for approval of appearance, layout and scale of approval 19/02921/OUT for the erection of 2 dwellings at Holly Tree Farm, Longstrings Lane, Crewkerne TA18 7EA be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:

The proposed development, by virtue of the design, layout, form, scale and massing is acceptable and would cause no significant impact on the landscape character and appearance of this rural area and does comply to the SSDC Local Plan 2006-2028.


Subject to the following conditions to include:

·       Approved plans

·       Materials

·       Details of external staircase

·       Details of Boundary treatments

·       Electrical vehicle charging points

·       Foul drainage (PTP)

·       Consumption of wholesome water


Plus, informatives regarding protective species, the public right or way and foul drainage.


Full wording to be delegated to officers.


(voting: 7 in favour, 2 against, 0 abstentions)


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report and with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation she highlighted key elements of the proposal including:


·         Principle of development had already been established at approval of the outline application.

·         Site and location plans.

·         Proposed elevation plans.

·         Proposed heights, wrap around balconies and outside steps which if approved would require additional handrails.

·         Proposed floor plans.

·         Reasons for the recommendation of refusal and key considerations including:

o   Principle – accepted and established through outline planning permission.

o   Design, Scale and Layout - concerns regarding the quality proposed and the need to comply with planning policy and the NPPF.  Believe the design to be unacceptable and out of keeping with the rural area and would cause unduly harm and prominence to the landscape. It was however noted the proposed scale of the buildings was smaller than permitted at outline.

o   Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar – Phosphates – Scheme would be served by Package Treatment Plant and satisfies the small scale threshold and therefore acceptable,

o   Scheme has been amended to overcome previous reasons for refusal such as :

§  Amenity

§  Highways Safety

§  Drainage

§  Ecology


The application was recommended for refusal for the reasons as set out in the agenda report.


One member of the public addressed the committee in support of the application. Some of his points raised included:

·         Voiced disappointment of the timescales involved in the determination of the application.

·         Proposal of two dwellings meets that already approved at outline application.

·         Scheme is now proposed to be less the overall footprint than that approved at the outline application.

·         Compliant with all approved conditions.

·         Will provide for multigenerational living and makes most use of the environment.

·         Located in lowest area of site and therefore cannot be seen apart from along some areas of Longstrings Lane.


The applicant addressed the committee. Some of the points he made included:

·         Application had received a significant amount of local support.

·         Scheme has already been permitted at the outline application stage.

·         No objections had been received from statutory consultees.

·         Law and guidance should allow self-build development to be built to the design and specification of the occupant.

·         Believe the design statement to be relevant.

·         Site surrounded by hedgerow and trees and therefore cannot be seen or impact the wider landscape.

·         Crewkerne Town Council are in support of the application.

·         The Council’s current lack of five year housing land supply engages the titled balance.


In response to points raised by the public speakers, the Planning Officer accepted that design was subjective and acknowledged the frustration of the applicant in the delay in the determination of the application. 


The Planning Officer also responded to questions and points of detail raised by members, including:

·         Clarified that the previous South Somerset District Council Area West Committee had approved the outline application.

·         Should members be minded to approve the application, a condition could be imposed regarding the details of the external staircase to officers to consider the design and impact etc.  She noted there would be a requirement for structural supports and guard rail etc which would add additional bulk to the design of the building so would need to be considered.


During discussion several comments were made, some of these included:

·         Noted on balance that Crewkerne Town Council were in support of the application along with the local residents.

·         Satisfied that there would be no impact of overlooking.

·         Acknowledged the frustrations regarding the length of time taken to determine the application.

·         Design is subjective and therefore should appreciate the needs of the applicant and the aspirations of self build to help future proof and support multigenerational living.

·         Consider the location to be well shielded by hedgerows and trees and therefore secluded from view.

·         Acknowledge the concerns of the Planning officer but on balance believe the proposal to be acceptable.

·         Believe the design to be incongruous to the area.


During a further discussion the majority of members expressed their support of the application and sought advice and clarification from the Planning Officer regarding suitable conditions to be imposed should they be minded to approve the application.


The Planning Officer advised that standard conditions were already applied to the approved outline application and that additional conditions should include:

·         Approved plans

·         Materials

·         Details of external staircase

·         Details of Boundary treatments

·         Electrical vehicle charging points

·         Foul drainage (PTP)

·         Consumption of wholesome water


She also suggested that informatives regarding protective species, the public right of way and foul drainage be included.


Following a further discussion members voiced their support of the conditions and agreed the following reason to approve the application:


‘The proposed development, by virtue of the design, layout, form, scale and massing is acceptable and would cause no significant impact on the landscape character and appearance of this rural area and does comply to the SSDC Local Plan 2006-2028’.


It was then proposed by Councillor Mike Best and seconded by the Chair, to approve the application, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the reason already stated and subject to the following conditions to include:

·         Approved plans

·         Materials

·         Details of external staircase

·         Details of Boundary treatments

·         Electrical vehicle charging points

·         Foul drainage (PTP)

·         Consumption of wholesome water


Plus, informatives regarding protective species, the public right or way and foul drainage.


On being put to the vote, this was carried by 7 votes in favour, 2 against with no abstentions.




That planning application 23/02730/REM Reserved Matters application for approval of appearance, layout and scale of approval 19/02921/OUT for the erection of 2 dwellings at Holly Tree Farm, Longstrings Lane, Crewkerne TA18 7EA be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:

The proposed development, by virtue of the design, layout, form, scale and massing is acceptable and would cause no significant impact on the landscape character and appearance of this rural area and does comply to the SSDC Local Plan 2006-2028.


Subject to the following conditions to include:

·         Approved plans

·         Materials

·         Details of external staircase

·         Details of Boundary treatments

·         Electrical vehicle charging points

·         Foul drainage (PTP)

·         Consumption of wholesome water


Plus, informatives regarding protective species, the public right of way and foul drainage.


Full wording to be delegated to officers.


(voting: 7 in favour, 2 against, 0 abstentions)

Supporting documents: