Agenda item

Discussion: Highway Steward Proposal

a)     What are the opportunities and risks?

b)     What information do we have and what do we need?

c)     Opportunities to work together?

d)     Transport Working group?


Jeremy Fry and Bev Norman from Highways spoke to the meeting on the Highway Steward Scheme proposed and was being undertaken by other areas within the County. It was noted that any changes are being delayed until 2025/26 so that Parish and Town councils have time to plan. All statutory road safety highway maintenance services will continue to be Somerset Council`s responsibility, the schemes proposed would be to enhance the statutory services being provided.


It was explained that the Exmoor LCN was the pilot for the scheme, with a group of parishes who meet up and decide the priorities and programme of works to be undertaken, the LCN also have an input and work together to minimise issues for the area. It was noted that other LCNs were starting to take part in the scheme.


Highway Steward Scheme – all Parishes had been sent a letter in February 2024 from the Council about the schemes available and what would be covered by County and other areas which could be covered by other ways of providing non-statutory services; examples being hedge/verge maintenance, sign cleaning and gully maintenance. The system would be flexible and a contract can be taken on with other local councils/clusters of Parishes or a LCN area.

There were options available as follows:

Ø  Highways Steward – skilled operative in a branded vehicle who visits parishes and towns to a defined work programme with priorities determined by Towns and Parishes or ad hoc works where identified.


Ø  Local Self-Delivery – similar to Highway Steward Scheme and Somerset Council would provide a training package for the volunteers or someone appointed by the Parish or Parishes but insurance etc would need to be provided by the parish council/s or whoever is employing these people.


Ø  Parish Price List – local councils can buy services direct from Keir as from Summer 2024 when it is hoped the price list and ordering service will be in place.


Ø  Buying back – buying services through the raising funds through local precept and “buy back” a level of service for a particular locality.


Bev Norman explained that parishes need to consider what would be needed between rural and urban councils and allocation of hours/time would need to be agreed, for example Burnham-on-Sea have already requested a Highway Steward for half a day and other parishes locally could then take on the remaining half day as the steward would be in the locality and would then be cost effective for all. Works would be agreed between the steward and the contractors with a programme of both reactive services and planned maintenance.


A Highways Working Group was proposed and Julie asked for Parishes to let her know if they were interested and this could be set up – other LCNs were also setting up these working groups.


It was requested that more information on costings for the services being offered is needed, whether this would be for materials or just labour? It was confirmed that a written response would be provided.