Agenda item
Planning Application 20/23/0045 - 19-20 Mill Meadow, Parsonage Lane, Kingston St Mary, TA2 8HL
- Meeting of Planning Committee - West, Monday, 19th February, 2024 2.00 pm (Item 76.)
- View the background to item 76.
To consider an application for the variation of wording to Condition No. 03 of application 20/06/0039 (Condition No. 01 of appeal decision - holiday occupancy) to allow full residential use of Plots 19 and 20 Mill Meadow, Parsonage Lane, Kingston St Mary.
That delegated authority to approve planning application 20/23/0045 for the variation of wording to Condition No. 03 of application 20/06/0039 (Condition No. 01 of appeal decision - holiday occupancy) to allow full residential use of Plots 19 and 20 Mill Meadow, Parsonage Lane, Kingston St Mary be given to the Service Manager Planning West, subject to the dwellings satisfying the minimum space standards and the prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure a financial contribution towards affordable housing. That delegated authority also be given to the Service Manager Planning West to impose appropriate planning conditions on the grant of the said permission.
(voting: 6 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions)
The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the
assistance of a PowerPoint presentation and highlighted that, following an appeal decision made the previous week, the first reason for refusal was no longer defendable.
The Legal Officer clarified that, on an appeal decision for an application in Creech St Michael the Inspector had concluded that the former Taunton Deane area no longer had a 5 year housing land supply. As a result, the LPA was now in the ‘tilted balance’ situation. NPPF Paragraph 11(d) states, that where the LPA does not have a 5 year housing land supply the Committee should only refuse a planning application if the harm significantly and demonstrably outweighs the benefits of the proposal. Consequently, as stated by the Planning Officer, the first refusal reason on policy grounds had been withdrawn from the Officer’s Recommendation and the only reason for refusal now recommended was on the basis that the development did not meet the minimum space standards.
The Committee was addressed by the Parish Council, three Supporters, the Agent, and the Division Member, who all in favour of the application. One speaker, a RICS surveyor, stated that they had measured both buildings and that Plot 19 (a 2-bed house) and Plot 20 (a 3-bed house) both exceeded the minimum space requirements.
The Committee discussed the application and whilst there were some concerns the over the conversion of holiday accommodation to domestic dwellings, it was commented that these were not isolated properties, being within the curtilage of the settled area, and that new housing, supported by the community, would make a difference to the Village.
In response to questions over the provision of affordable housing the Housing & Enabling Officer confirmed that a financial contribution was their preferred option and the amount had been generated using the Taunton Deane affordable homes housing calculator.
In response to questions the Planning Officer explained that she made the space calculations using the plan and scale provided by the Applicant and today was the first time she had been made aware of any other measurements having been made.
With the only reason for refusal being on compliance with the minimum space standards, it was proposed by Councillor Rigby and seconded by Councillor Hadley to grant delegated authority to planning officers to approve the application, subject to the properties’ compliance with the minimum space standards, once they had been physically measured by a planning officer, and the prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure a financial contribution towards affordable housing. Officers were also granted delegated authority to impose appropriate planning conditions on the grant of the permission.
That delegated authority to approve planning application 20/23/0045 for the variation of wording to Condition No. 03 of application 20/06/0039 (Condition No. 01 of appeal decision - holiday occupancy) to allow full residential use of Plots 19 and 20 Mill Meadow, Parsonage Lane, Kingston St Mary be given to the Service Manager Planning West, subject to the dwellings satisfying the minimum space standards and the prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure a financial contribution towards affordable housing. That delegated authority also be given to the Service Manager Planning West to impose appropriate planning conditions on the grant of the said permission.
(voting: 6 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions)
Councillor Norman Cavill joined the meeting.
Supporting documents:
- Report - Planning Application 20/23/0045, item 76. PDF 163 KB
- Location Plan for 20/23/0045, item 76. PDF 561 KB