Agenda item
Planning Application 202/0910/FUL - Land East of Squires, Mardis Lane, West Lydford, Somerset
Application for the erection of a single storey dwelling with associated access and parking.
That planning application 2020/0910/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 7 in favour, 3 abstentions
The Officer’s Report stated that this application would be a departure from the existing adopted Development Plan, so in accordance with the scheme of delegation the application had been referred to the Planning Committee for determination. The application site was adjacent to, but fell outside of, the designated development limits.
In the summary, the Planning Officer said that the application would deliver one dwelling which should be given significant weight in the planning balance, particularly in the context of the lack of five-year housing land supply within the ex-Mendip area. The proposed dwelling would not be considered isolated. The occupiers would have access to some services and facilities within the nearby villages of Lydford and Keinton Mandeville without having to necessarily rely on private vehicular travel. It would deliver simultaneously, economic and social benefits in the form of employment opportunities during the construction period.
No adverse impacts had been identified which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development, when assessed against the policies in the NPPF. Therefore on this basis, the proposed development represented a sustainable development and the application was recommended for approval.
The Planning Officer explained the application to the Committee with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. She also clarified that only 1 letter of objection had been received, not 2 as indicated in her report.
The Committee was then addressed by the agent for the application. He made the following comments:
- No part of the application site lies within a green or open space which is designated in the Local Plan, contrary to what the Parish Council had stated.
- A neighbouring property had been approved at appeal in 2016.
- The Conservation Officer had raised no objections and had complimented the application on its good quality design and materials.
- Both the Conservation Officer and the Planning Officer were content that there was no harm arising to the character of the area or setting of the nearest Listed Buildings.
- The lane only serves two existing dwellings, a stables and a sewage works. It would only require a short 70m drive along the lane to the new dwelling and would therefore not be prejudicial to highway safety.
In the discussion which followed, Members made a number of comments including the following:
- The concerns of the Parish Council regarding the design of the dwelling, its proximity to 4 listed buildings and safety of the lane should be taken into consideration.
- Why have permitted development rights been removed from the property?
- Considering that the Conservation and Planning Officer had no objections, it would be difficult to identify what harms would outweigh the benefits and therefore difficult to refuse.
- The building to the west of the site was approved in recent years and if access via the single-track lane was acceptable then, it still would be now.
In response to Members comments, the Legal Adviser made the following point:
- Although the development would be outside of development limits, as there is no 5-year housing land supply, the tilted balance would come into effect. This would mean that unless the Committee can identify harm, the fact the site is outside the development limits would not be a sufficient reason for refusal on its own. Paragraph 11d of the NPPF says that applications should only be refused if any adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.
The Planning Officer advised that permitted development rights had been removed in this location to ensure that the building could not get any bigger and to provide control for the protection of the nearby listed buildings.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Bente Height and seconded by Councillor Edric Hobbs to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
On being put to the vote the proposal was carried with 7 in favour and 3 abstentions.
That planning application 2020/0910/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Votes – 7 in favour, 3 abstentions
Supporting documents:
- Planning Application 2020_0910_FUL Land East of Squires, Mardis Lane, West Lydford, item 115. PDF 109 KB
- Map 2020_0910_FUL Squires Mardis Lane, West Lydford, item 115. PDF 149 KB