Agenda item

Planning Application 23/02111/FUL - Land South of Camp Road, West Coker, Yeovil.

To consider an application for a solar PV farm and associated infrastructure including battery energy storage and access arrangements and cable run to supply renewable electricity to Leonardo.




That planning application 23/02111/FUL for Solar PV Farm and associated infrastructure including battery energy storage and access arrangements and cable run to supply renewable electricity to Leonardo at Land South Of Camp Road, West Coker, Yeovil be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report and with the revised wording to conditions 12, 16, 17 and 20 to provide clarity.


(voting: 10 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstentions)




The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report.  For clarification and with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation provided members with the following update and revisions to the conditions as summarised:

·         Condition 12 – replace wording ‘completion of the development’ with ‘completion of the soft landscaping’.

·         Condition 16 – replace wording ‘before completion of the development’ with ‘following completion of the habitat and protected species mitigation and compensation measures identified in the LEMP’.

·         Condition 17 – replace wording ‘completion’ with ‘energisation of the project’.

·         Condition 20 – include the word ‘facilitate’ to now read ‘The BSMP must prescribe for measures to facilitate safety during construction,’ and include wording ‘and must have due regard for the containment and disposal of firewater.’


Following the submission of a Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) report she also confirmed the LLFA having seen the report had no reason to change their recommendation.


She then proceeded to highlight key elements of the proposal including:

·         Site and location plan along with location of proposed cabling.

·         Closeness of heritage assets.

·         Confirmed all footpaths are to be retained.

·         There would be more ability to retain surface water on the land.

·         Gateway access and location of CCTV within the site.

·         Proposed security around the battery storage containers.

·         All hedgerows and trees to be retained around the site.

·         Clarified this application is to supply renewable electricity to local business Leonardo.


She proceeded to detail the reasons for approval and highlighted the key considerations summarised as follows:

·         Landscape Impact – believe impact not so adverse to refuse and taking into account clear benefit for new energy.

·         Loss of agricultural land – The land around the panels can still be used for grazing sheep. This is a temporary permission for 40 years.

·         Battery Storage – Issues raised do not outweigh the benefits with conditions imposed for battery safety plan.

·         Use of existing Leonardo site/ economic benefit – Full consideration had been given for the possibility of Leonardo using their own site, however a Sequential Location Assessment was undertaken which outlined why other onsite locations or buildings were not viable.


The application was recommended for approval subject to the conditions as set out in the agenda report and with the revisions highlighted by the Planning Officer.


Two members of the public addressed the committee in objection to the application. Some of their points raised included:

·         Raised concern around the guarantees for decommissioning and worries an extension may be granted.

·         Who would be responsible and accountable for the management of the site.

·         Impact on noise and air pollution and the reflection of solar panels given the close proximity of helicopter test flights in the area.

·         Concern regarding the flood mitigation measures.

·         Raised fire safety concerns regarding the battery storage.

·         Impact on biodiversity.

·         Site is in the wrong place and too far from Leonardo factory site.


The applicant addressed the committee, some of his points raised included:

·         Would provide direct renewable energy source to Leonardo’s factory site in Yeovil and help support it to become carbon neutral.

·         Lack of other suitable sites available.

·         There is significant sustainable benefits and positives for Yeovil and surrounding area.


In response to points of detail and questions raised by the public speakers, the Planning Officer clarified that:

·         Conditions included will ensure that the development is fully reversible on the decommissioning of the site.

·         A noise assessment had also been carried out along with a glint and glare report. 

·         Explained the uplift and biodiversity net gain from this development.


In response to questions from members, the Planning officer also provided the following:

·         Energy source is solely for Leonardo, however clarified that should this not have been the case recommendation would still be for approval.

·         No financial gain is required under this application, however, understand there is discussions ongoing with West Coker PC and Leonardo regarding this.

·         Confirmed a package for Ecology and Landscaping would be put in place first.

·         Reiterated that permission was temporary and on decommissioning would revert back to original agricultural use.


During members discussion some comments included:

·         Consider the visible impact to be acceptable in what is a well screened site and therefore see no reason to refuse the application.

·         Raised concern regarding the loss of grade II agricultural land and the impact on the heritage assets.

·         Sought assurance regarding the decommissioning of the site.


Division member, Councillor Oliver Patrick said he had taken considerable time to consult with the local residents and his comments are summarised as follows:

·         Rather have green energy site than more housing.

·         Provide employment opportunities and supply local employer.

·         Support from local community.

·         Benefits to deliver clean green energy.

·         Biodiversity net gain.

·         Preserves the local rights of way.

·         Content developer had looked at other viable sites.

·         Accepted that suitable conditions would be imposed to mitigate any fire safety risks.


It was then proposed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Steve Ashton to approve the application subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report and with the revised wording to conditions 12, 16, 17 and 20 to provide clarity.


On being put to the vote, this was carried by 10 votes in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention.




That planning application 23/02111/FUL for Solar PV Farm and associated infrastructure including battery energy storage and access arrangements and cable run to supply renewable electricity to Leonardo at Land South Of Camp Road, West Coker, Yeovil be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report and with the revised wording to conditions 12, 16, 17 and 20 to provide clarity.


(voting: 10 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstentions)



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