Agenda item

Updates from Highways


Kate Hellard (Service Manager LCNs) provided a brief presentation to give an overview of the concept and work that could be undertaken by a Highway Steward any time from April if parishes were interested in buying into the scheme. The steward would be employed by the Highways contractor (Kier) – sick pay, risk assessments, equipment and insurance etc would be the responsibility of Kier. She advised the cost for a single full-time steward was approximately £50k per year – a parish doesn’t have to have a whole steward and the steward could be split between a cluster of parishes but this would need to be a geographical cluster to reduce costs. Parishes could join the scheme at any point through the year but it would need to be for a full 12 months due to contracting staff.


If there was interest in a Highway Steward, Kate suggested the first step would be to form a Highway Steward Working Group of probably no more than 6 people, with each person on the group representing a small cluster of parishes, although for the initial meeting there could perhaps be more people. The Chair also noted that the working group would be an opportunity to meet with Highway Officers direct to discuss some issues and get any information required. Kate suggested any interested parishes join the initial conversations to see what could be discussed. It was understood the new contractor was also looking to provide a parish price list so that parishes would have costs if they wanted an enhanced service beyond routine maintenance.


During discussion, some points were made including:

·       Some parishes had been unable to access the online meeting of the last Highways working group meeting.

·       Parish Councillors are volunteers – need to be mindful of keeping asking them to attend multiple meetings.

·       The LCN handbook version 1 – is that still the current version?

·       With the new Highways contractor were any reduction in service levels planned?


In response to some comments made, Kate Hellard, noted:

·       there would be a need to engage other organisations and stakeholders to help deliver aspirations of the LCN – they may be able to help directly with delivery, or have access to funding and/or resources.

·       Version 1 of the LCN handbook is the current version. Shortly to start a review and update the handbook – please contact officers if have any queries. There would at some point in the future also be a review of the LCNs to consider about making them more effective, but the scope of the review had yet to be determined. This LCN review would be fairly speedy and likely to go through relevant consultation and committees prior to the LCN Annual General Meetings in June.

·       Highways would always have a safety responsibility and would always have to deliver the statutory minimum.


Note – the presentation slides for this meeting can be viewed at the end of the printed minutes pack or online at:



Representatives / Parishes interested about Highway Stewards and forming a Highway Steward Working Group – please contact the LCN team at


A review will shortly commence on a review of the LCN handbook – any queries or suggestions please contact the LCN team at





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