Agenda item

Financial Budget Update Month 7

To receive the update and consider any mitigations or recommendations to make to the Executive.


That the committee noted the information contained within the report and appendices and also to note the proposed recommendations going forward to the Executive Committee. The committee requested further training on budget areas in addition to the briefings currently taking place for Members and for clarification in relation to Fees and Charges at the next meeting.


Jason Vaughan introduced his report which gave the Financial Update for Month 7, he highlighted the issues still outstanding for children and adult services showing the budgets which were still high and showing an overspend, however there were other areas where the budgets were starting to reduce and therefore the budget gap was reducing. A number of actions have been taken to address the budget position and these included the establishing of number of daily and weekly boards to control budget spend and to review requests and changes from the various departments, which is ensuring that budgets are being closely monitored.


The committee members then discussed the reports and comments included:

Councillors need further training on finance issues but briefings helping to explain situation and specific subjects

·       Public need to understand the how services are funded and the work being undertaken to reduce the overspend and planning of the budget

·       What income streams were being investigated and tracked i.e. fees and charges?

·       Adult and Childrens placements – costs are high, how effective are the Care Boards in scrutinising the costs? It was also asked whether the homes were council owned or private companies as provider? It was confirmed that no homes were council owned and private providers were used, however there was a price cap and partnership in place with Homes and Horizons and Childrens Services were scrutinized through the appropriate scrutiny committee.

·       Care home placements were all red flagged due to inflation in all areas and that is one the main issues of the budget overspend.

·       Feel that Housing reporting areas need more work – further details for Homelessness and other areas,

·       Deletion of reserves lines and lack of explanation where these monies have gone

Overall the committee felt that the report format was good but there were still areas that needed further explanation and work to clarify details.



That the committee noted the information contained within the report and appendices and also to note the proposed recommendations going forward to the Executive Committee. The committee requested further training on budget areas in addition to the briefings currently taking place for Members and for clarification in relation to Fees and Charges at the next meeting.

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