Agenda item

Planning Application 21/01035/OUT - Land OS 6925, Coat Road, Martock.

To consider an application for up to 100 dwellings with associated works including access, public open space and landscaping.




That planning application 21/01035/OUT for up to 100 dwellings with associated works including, access, public open space and landscaping at Land OS 6925, Coat Road, Martock, Somerset be DEFERRED for further information regarding flooding matters and the presence of an officer from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to be present at the next possible Planning South Committee meeting.


(voting: unanimous)


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report, and with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation highlighted key elements of the proposal including:

·       An indicative layout with proposed development to the east of the site, and with open space and planting to the west.

·       The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) had not objected to the proposal – noted that surface water was indicated possibly to cause flooding further west of the site.

·       Proposed works to connect off road path into Martock.

·       The proposed woodland area was identified as an area of high landscape sensitivity.

·       Martock Neighbourhood Plan acknowledges site acceptable for development.

·       Reference to housing figures in the Local Plan – acknowledgement that Martock already above the number in the Plan, however the figures in the Local Plan were not a maximum.

·       The key considerations were the principle of development and highway safety.

·       Highways were content with the proposal subject to Section 106 obligations and conditions.

·       The phosphates solution included a package treatment plant and also phosphates credits which had been purchased from the scheme agreed by the Council.


The application was recommended for approval subject to planning obligations and conditions as set out in the agenda report.


Five members of the public addressed the committee in objection to the application. Some images had been submitted which were included in the officer presentation, and some of their points raised included:

·       Opposed this in 2021 as it went against settlement policy. Original application proposed 55 houses. Have not met with the developers.

·       When the application was originally submitted there was a five year land supply.

·       Reference to local upgrades by Wessex Water. Would like to see proposal for update to phosphate policy of the Council.

·       Since application submitted, 140 houses have been built in the village which has altered the traffic.

·       There are still a number of issues to be addressed.

·       The rhyne that separates the site from the neighbouring property to the west floods. Flooding impacts the structural integrity of that property.

·       Recent flooding made Coat Road impassable to ordinary vehicles, and the site where the package treatment plant is proposed to be also floods.

·       A package treatment plant and phosphates credits were proposed but no details seem to be available on the public website.

·       The green gap between Coat and Martock is a high landscape sensitivity area.

·       Refence to the green gap policy in the Local Plan and that it should be protected.

·       What are the plans for the green area in the middle of the ‘U’ shape application area as there is no road access to that site?

·       This is not the right number of dwellings at the right time.

·       Traffic figures have been based on old data of 2018 and doesn’t include the impact of the Barratt development of 120 houses to the South of Coat Road.

·       Already difficult to access local NHS services.

·       No identified need for these houses in Martock at the moment.


A spokesperson for Martock Parish Council endorsed the comments of previous speakers. He noted the Parish Council did not fully object to development but were opposed to the proposal for 100 houses rather than 55. He also referred to the traffic data which was sourced from before the Barratt development had been built. He asked that the application be refused for further consideration.


Division member, Councillor John Bailey, acknowledged that residents required somewhere to live but quality as well as quantity was needed. Consultation seemed to have been slim and should take in to account market changes of recent years in the village. The green gap pushes 100 houses into a smaller area which leaves a large space, what is the purpose of that space? Many of the village residents out-commute and extra houses have been built since 2021, so increasing traffic. What account has been taken of an active travel plan? In light of all the questions raised he felt members should consider deferring the application.


The agent then addressed the committee and noted they had worked extensively with the Council over the last six years to bring the proposal forward. The Neighbourhood Plan made clear that this location was acceptable for housing. Martock as a rural centre was a sustainable location for growth. The proposal had benefits as the housing would contribute towards the land supply and there would be financial obligations. There were no technical objections to the proposal and given compliance with planning policy she urged approval of the application.


In response to points of detail and technical questions raised by the public speakers, the Planning Officer clarified that:

·       It was recognised that Martock had taken further development than set out in the Local Plan. However the figures in the Local Plan are minimum figures not maximum.

·       Highways had not raised any objections but had requested conditions as detailed in the agenda report.

·       A requirement for an active travel plan was included with the Section 106 obligations.

·       Modelling indicated the area of the site proposed for locating the housing did not flood.


In response to questions from members the Planning Officer and Lead Specialist also noted that:

·       Responses from statutory consultees showed flooding outside the site and not within.

·       The flood risk report was done in 2022.

·       Comments from the public have been quite technical in nature.  Acknowledge the benefit of having specialist officers present such as Highways and Lead Local Flood Authority.

·       About 7m of hedge was proposed to be removed for the access.

·       The proposal is for no water to leave the site.


There was a short discussion during which it was suggested to defer the application to receive further information about flooding. It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Henry Hobhouse to defer the application for further information regarding flooding matters and the presence of specialist officers to answer technical questions. On being put to the vote, the proposal to defer the application was carried unanimously.




That planning application 21/01035/OUT for up to 100 dwellings with associated works including, access, public open space and landscaping at Land OS 6925, Coat Road, Martock, Somerset be DEFERRED for further information regarding flooding matters and the presence of an officer from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to be present at the next possible Planning South Committee meeting.


(voting: unanimous)

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