Agenda item

Planning Application 23/00860/R3C - Land at The Triangle, Middle Street, Yeovil BA20 1LQ

To consider an application for planning permission for a proposed large LED screen.




That planning application 23/00860/R3C for Proposed Large LED Screen at Land At the Triangle, Middle Street, Yeovil BA20 1LQ  be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report but with the removal of condition 5 for the reason that this condition does not meet the test for the use of planning conditions.



(voting: unanimous)




The Planning officer introduced the application to the Committee together with Planning Application 23/00860/R3C. He provided the following updates to the conditions:

·       Condition 4 appended to Application 23/00861/ADV and Condition 5 appended to Application23/00860/R3C - The hours of operation should read Monday - Sunday ‘inclusive’ not ‘including’

and that

·       Condition 3 appended to Application 23/00860/R3C should include that the operation management plan be implanted in accordance with those details.


He explained the reason why both applications had been brought to committee as the applicant is Somerset Council and with the aid of a powerpoint presentation highlighted the following:

·       Site and location plan.

·       Confirmed the site was located outside the town’s conservation area.

·       Proposed elevations of the screen.

·       Explained the use and purpose of the application.


He highlighted the key considerations for application 23/00606/FUL and comments in summarised form were:

·       Principle – Considered to be compatible with the town centre and wider range of initiatives.

·       Scale, design, and visual impact – Located against a building not within a conservation area or nearby heritage assets.

·       Impact on residential amenity/neighbouring uses – Conditions to ensure safeguarding hours and crime prevention as agreed with by the Police and Licensing.

·       Access and highway safety – Located within an area with other shop fronts and not considered a main concern regarding any highway safety. A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) would be required to restrict access.

·       Ecology and Impact on the Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar/SPA – No notable Ecology or Ramsar implications.


He proceeded to explain the reasons for approval along with the conditions listed within the report including the requirement for a Traffic Regulation Order.


He also highlighted the key considerations for application 23/00861/ADV being the impact on amenity and character of the area and on public safety and reasons for approval along with the conditions listed within the report.


The applicant addressed the committee. Some of his comments included:

·       This was a key element of the proposed public square at The Triangle.

·       Had considered the lighting, noise and that suitable conditions and acknowledged conditions to be imposed.

·       Confirmed that an application for a premises license to run in parallel with the operating plan.

·       Acknowledge concerns regarding antisocial behaviour and were working with the police to safeguard crime prevention.

·       Would look to install the screen in the spring of 2024.

·       Expectation to work in future with other partners regarding the operating plans.

·       Explained the primary use of the screen would be intended for entertainment with commercial advertisement secondary.


The Planning officer responded on points of detail and technical questions from members including:

·       Members should look at the key considerations of this application and not whether there is a need.

·       Screen is capable of broadcasting events.

·       Explained the reason a condition is imposed for the operating hours.

·       Explained conditions imposed to ensure what can and cannot be displayed and detailed an operation management plan.


The Legal officer also confirmed that a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is currently in place which allows fixed penalty notices to be issued.  She felt this could help with crime and anti-social behaviour within the area but that this would need to be looked at when the premises licence is considered.


During members discussion comments were made including:

·       The proposal would be positive for the town centre and help bring both people and businesses to the town.

·       Felt the PSPO be looked at alongside the premises application to ensure there is no opposition or conflict with each.

·       Felt there was not the need to impose conditions regarding the operating hours as believe these safeguards already exist in practice.


Following a further debate and advice from the Planning and Legal officers, it was proposed by Councillor Peter Seib and seconded by Councillor Oliver Patrick that application 23/00860/R3C be amended to remove condition 5 for the reason that this condition does not meet the test for the use of planning conditions. On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.


It was then proposed that planning application 23/00860/R3C be approved as amended and subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report.  On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.





That planning application 23/00860/R3C for Proposed Large LED Screen at Land at the Triangle, Middle Street, Yeovil BA20 1LQ be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report but with the removal of condition 5 for the reason that this condition does not meet the test for the use of planning conditions.


(voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: