Agenda item

Planning Application 23/00606/FUL - Land at Merryfield Lane, Ilton, Ilminster TA19 9HA

To consider an application for the installation of groundmounted photovoltaic modules together with sub stations to create a small solar farm generating carbon-free electricity.




That planning application 23/00606/FUL for the Installation of groundmounted photovoltaic modules together with sub stations to create a small solar farm generating carbon-free electricity at Land At Merryfield Lane, Ilton, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9HA be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report and with additional conditions to include:

1.      Road condition survey

2.      Noise mitigation plan for 2 x switching units.



(voting: unanimous)



The Planning officer introduced the application to the Committee and together with the aid of a power point presentation, he provided the following comments including:


·       No heritage assets were positioned within the site.

·       Highlighted the location of the public right of way through the site.

·       Explained the connection to the grid.

·       Confirmed that no hedgerows or trees are to be cut back with a new hedgerow and landscaping scheme proposed.

·       Highlighted the temporary compound and access during the construction phase.

·       Confirmed the measurements of the solar panels and associated units on the site.

·       Showed proposed fencing and cameras around the site.


He also advised that should members be minded to approve permission, additional conditions be included that requires a noise mitigation plan be approved prior to use to ensure that there is no undue disturbance to neighbouring properties, and that a condition survey of Merryfield Lane be undertaken prior to construction and any damage made good.


He referred to the key issue being the visual impact on the character of the landscape versus the provision of renewable energy and detailed the reasons for recommending approval.  


Councillor Jo Roundell-Greene Divisional member addressed the committee.  She raised concern regarding the public safety during the construction phase on the very narrow Merryfield Lane.  She asked that a condition be included to ensure public safety during this phase.


The Applicant addressed the committee.  Some of his comments included:


·       This proposal would be an efficient scheme with minimal adverse impact.

·       Confirmed that a road condition survey would be carried out prior to commencement of development.

·       Proposed equipment is acoustically insulted.

·       Stringent construction and environmental management plan is proposed.

·       Future access to the site will be improved.

·       Will provide a Biodiversity net gain.

·       Scheme will fit with Council’s climate emergency and provide sufficient carbon free electricity for over 700 homes.


The Planning Officer responded on points of detail and technical questions from members including:

·       Reiterated that should members be minded to approve the application, a condition be imposed to ensure that a road condition survey be carried out which will allow the ability to control the safety of public users.

·       Confirmed that the agricultural land was Grade 3 but unsure of the exact class, however this scheme would allow for the continuation of agricultural use and designed to allow the grazing of sheep.  He also confirmed this was a temporary permission for a period of 41 years (including 1 year construction) and then the land would revert back to its original use.

·       Believed the noise levels to be very low but that a condition be imposed to ensure a noise mitigation plan is in place.


During discussion members raised comments including:

·       Raised concern regarding the public safety of the users of Merryfield Lane and the poor condition of the lane.  They agreed that a condition should be included to ensure a road condition survey is carried out.

·       Raised concern regarding the noise disturbance of the site and the need to ensure the transformer buildings are properly soundproofed.

·       Need to ensure the requirement of construction and environment plan.

·       Voiced their frustration regarding the clarity around the precise grading of the agricultural land.


Following a discussion, it was then proposed by Councillor Richard Wilkins and seconded by Councillor Henry Hobhouse to approve the application as per the officer’s recommendation, with additional conditions to include:

1.      Road condition survey

2.     Noise mitigation plan for 2 x switching units.


On being put to the vote the proposal was carried unanimously.




That planning application 23/00606/FUL for the Installation of groundmounted photovoltaic modules together with sub stations to create a small solar farm generating carbon-free electricity at land At Merryfield Lane, Ilton, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9HA be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report and with additional conditions to include:

1.      Road condition survey

2.     Noise mitigation plan for 2 x switching units.


(voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: