Agenda item

Planning Application 18/01311/OUT - Land OS 4538, The Pound, Broadway Road, Broadway, Ilminster.

To consider an outline planning application with all matters reserved aside from access for the erection of up to 35 dwellings and associated works (resubmission of 17/04239/OUT).




That planning application 18/01311/OUT for outline planning application with all matters reserved aside from access for the erection of up to 35 dwellings and associated works (resubmission of 17/04239/OUT) at Land OS 4538 The Pound, Broadway Road, Broadway, Ilminster Somerset be APPROVED, subject to the prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report.


(voting: 6 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)




The Planning Officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a powerpoint presentation.  She explained the background of the application and the reason why it had again been brought back to committee due to a challenge from Broadway Parish Council and specifically to address those concerns.  A copy of the original 2019 committee report was also appended within the agenda for completeness.


She clarified this was an outline application with all matters reserved except for the consideration of access.  She referred to the key considerations from the original application and confirmed that the recommendation was the same as the two previous conditionally approved applications. 


She proceeded to detail the reasons for approval and various planning obligations required along with the conditions listed within the report and highlighted what key considerations had changed since the 2019 resolution including:

·         Council’s lack of five-year housing land supply.

·         Phosphate mitigation solution agreed.

·         First homes requirement has come into force – now included.

·         Update to recommendation to reflect and minor tweaks.


A member of the public addressed the committee and spoke in objection to the application.  Some of his comments included:

·         Raised concerns regarding the landscape impact and loss of open space.

·         The scheme would result in a large block of mixed housing in an otherwise linear pattern and is therefore out of keeping with the village setting.

·         Application does not address the issues previously raised from the Landscape assessment in 2019. 

·         The application should be amended to further address these issues before the application is considered.


A representative from Broadway Parish Council addressed the committee. He voiced his disappointment regarding the lack of information and assurance regarding the flooding concerns of the village and its residents.   He said the issues around the sewerage system in Broadway remain unresolved and that this application will only exacerbate the pollution and contamination in the village.  He said that the application should be deferred until the report from Wessex Water had been received.


The Applicant then addressed the committee.  Some of his comments included:

·         This was a high-quality scheme that they had been working on since 2017 and were committed to delivering.

·         Scheme had already been approved twice and that this application had only once again been brought back to committee solely for legality reasons.

·         Scheme delivers many benefits including a contribution to the housing number and delivery of affordable housing.


A representative from Wessex Water, who attended the meeting virtually, responded on the points raised by the public speakers and questions raised by members around the recent meeting associated with the issues in Broadway and the development of this site.  She explained the statutory requirements and ongoing improvements to the local network and water recycling scheme and the aspiration to work with the parish council and existing households to help utilise and realign the foul sewerage system in the area.


The Lead Specialist acknowledged the concerns raised by the local residents and the need to upgrade the foul sewerage system however this development was not deemed to have a significant impact on the current system and noted that all other issues had been addressed.


The Legal Officer clarified to members the reason why this application had been brought back to committee was for completeness to ensure that all information had been detailed to enable full consideration of the application.


During a short discussion, members accepted the concerns raised regarding the foul sewerage system however welcomed the delivery of affordable housing.  It was then proposed by Councillor Tim Kerley and seconded by Councillor Peter Seib to approve the application, as per the officer recommendation detailed in the agenda report. On being put to the vote, this was carried by 6 votes in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions.





That planning application 18/01311/OUT for outline planning application with all matters reserved aside from access for the erection of up to 35 dwellings and associated works (resubmission of 17/04239/OUT) at Land OS 4538 The Pound, Broadway Road, Broadway, Ilminster Somerset be APPROVED, subject to the prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation and the imposition of conditions as per the officer recommendation as detailed in the agenda report.


(voting: 6 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)



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