Agenda item

Planning Application 20/02014/REM - Land at Head Street, Tintinhull, Yeovil, Somerset.

To consider an application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to condition 1 (appearance, landscaping and scale) and condition 5 (biodiversity enhancements) of outline planning approval 16/04608/OUT for the erection of 28 dwellings and associated works.




That planning application 20/02014/REM for approval of reserved matters pursuant to condition 1 (appearance, landscaping and scale) and condition 5 (biodiversity enhancements) of outline planning approval 16/04608/OUT for the erection of 28 dwellings and associated works at land at Head Street, Tintinhull, Yeovil Somerset be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of suitable conditions and s106 agreement to secure phosphates mitigation as per the officer recommendation detailed in the agenda report.  Also an additional condition to control the use of materials and an amendment to condition 06 for the addition to ensure the provision of suitable ducting of the electric vehicle charging points.


(voting: unanimous)


The Planning Officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a powerpoint presentation.  He explained the principle of the development had already been established at approval of the outline application at appeal, including details of layout and access.  He said this was a reserved matters application, and that the committee were only to consider appearance, landscaping and scale and discharge of the biodiversity condition.


He also provided the following updates:

·         Confirmed a suitable phosphates mitigation scheme had been approved and would be secured by a s106 agreement.

·         Biodiversity enhancements had been approved.

·         The Parish Council still maintained their objection to the scheme but that all other statutory consultees had responded positively.

·         The LLFA had approved the drainage requirements as set out in the conditions.

·         Scheme would deliver 10 affordable homes and financial contribution for open space provision.


He referred to the key considerations being appearance, landscaping and scale and detailed the reasons for recommending approval and various planning obligations required along with the conditions listed within the report.  He also explained that an additional condition be included to control the use of materials.


A representative from Tintinhull Parish Council addressed the committee.  Some of her comments included:

·         Reiterated the parish council objections to the scheme and that the issues had not been addressed within the reserved matters application.

·         There had been no attempt by the applicant to consult with Tintinhull Parish Council since the initial consultation in 2016.

·         Local concerns have been overlooked and not considered including highway safety, egress from the site, lack of parking provision and increase in vehicles within the local area.

·         Before any approval this application should be reviewed to further take into account views and concerns of the local community.


The Agent then addressed the committee.  Some of his comments included:

·         Outline planning permission had already been granted on appeal six years ago.

·         Surface water drainage, site layout and biodiversity enhancements had also been approved and that consideration was only for the appearance and scale of buildings and landscaping of the site.

·         The proposed scheme reflects a traditional design which is deemed acceptable and has no significant impact on the character of the local landscape of nearby listed buildings.

·         The scheme will deliver 28 much needed housing including 10 affordable homes.


Division member Councillor John Bailey addressed the committee.  He supported the concerns of Tintinhull Parish Council and felt that substantial time has passed since the original proposal with various further developments adding to an increase in the amount of traffic within in the area and therefore this should be taken into account before approval of this application.


The Planning Officer responded on points of detail and technical questions raised by members including:


·         Clarified the shared surface within the site had already been approved at the outline permission stage.

·         Affordable housing was to be built and located in one area of the site.

·         Explained that the condition regarding electric vehicle charging points could be amended to ensure the provision of suitable ducting of these points.


The Legal Officer also advised members that the principle of the development, layout and access had already been established at the outline approval stage and therefore the issues regarding highway safety and traffic should not be considered under this application.


During discussion member made comments including the following:

·         Disappointed the amount of time elapsed since the original outline permission had been granted.

·         Felt constrained and felt little could be done to address the issues of traffic and highways as this had already been decided at appeal.

·         Considered the proposal to be acceptable in design and layout and that materials can be suitably conditioned.


Following a short discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Martin Wale and seconded by Councillor Mike Best to approve the application as per the officer’s recommendation, and with an amendment to condition 06 for the addition to ensure the provision of suitable ducting of the electric vehicle charging points. On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.




That planning application 20/02014/REM for approval of reserved matters pursuant to condition 1 (appearance, landscaping and scale) and condition 5 (biodiversity enhancements) of outline planning approval 16/04608/OUT for the erection of 28 dwellings and associated works at land at Head Street, Tintinhull, Yeovil Somerset be APPROVED, subject to the imposition of suitable conditions, and s106 agreement to secure phosphates mitigation as per the officer recommendation detailed in the agenda report, and an amendment to add to condition 06 to ensure the provision of suitable ducting of the electric vehicle charging points.


(voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: