Agenda item

Adult Social Care Performance Report, Budget Report and Winter Planning

To receive the report.



The Committee discussed the latest Adult Social Care budget report and noted the details. 

The Committee agreed that the Winter Planning information could be raised later or circulated to the Committee.


The Lead Member for Adult Social Care introduced the report covering the latest Budget Report. The current position is £523.7 m against a net budget of £493.4m. This results in a £30.3m adverse variance of 6.1%.


• Adult Services are showing a £14.9m adverse variance against their budget (8% of service budget). This variance is mainly in the adult social care and

Learning Disabilities budget areas.

• Children’s Services are showing a £11.8m adverse variance against their budget (9.6% of service budget). This variance relates to External


• Climate and Place are showing a £2.3m adverse variance against their budget (2.6% of service budget). This adverse variance is seen across Waste Services, Infrastructure and Transport and Economy, Employment and Planning.

• Strategy, Workforce and Localities are showing a £1.3m adverse variance against their budget (6.4% of service budget). This variance is reported in Legal Services.

• Resources and Corporate Services are showing a £0.3m adverse variance against their budget (1.39% of service budget), This variance is reported in Legal Services.


Adult Social Care: Key Performance Summary

The Committee had a presentation on the Key Performance areas of Adult Social Care.

The Committee heard that the monthly average volume of calls handled by Somerset Direct was 5,893 in 2021/22 and 5,830 in 2022/23. So far in 2023/24 the average is 5,682. Whilst there is a high demand the support and advice given by Somerset Direst has been able to resolve a high level of queries at this very early stage thus taking the pressure off statutory services .

Overdue Care Act Assessments and Reviews.

The Committee heard that The number of overdue assessments and reviews continue to remain high, impacted by rising demand, complexity of need and ongoing internal workforce pressures.

Unmet need (homecare provision)

Somerset has continued to see the impact of additional investment and focused commissioning activity, as well as some pick up in care provider recruitment of new starters over recent months, with levels of unmet homecare need falling to their lowest ever levels since March 2021. The average package size for Homecare has increased year on year. This can be attributed to greater complexity of need in a ageing population.

My Life My Future

The Committee had a brief summary of the My Life My Future Programme and the five workstreams it contains. These are the drivers for the ambitious service which is future focussed, providing the right care, in the right place, at the right time.


The Committee discussed the report and asked the following: -

·         Why had the volume of ‘handbacks’ increased? This was sometimes an issue of capacity of small providers, Sometimes the poor behaviour of service users and due to workforce capacity.

·         Do people get the care they need? This is followed up and the fact that 80% of people are able to remain in their own home is testament of a successful service. Those who do return to hospital are often due to a new and unrelated matter.

·         Are people discharged too soon? Discharge is a decision by a Multidisciplinary Team and not simply a response to ‘bed blocking’ pressures.

·         Are we confident we have enough beds following the closure of some Care Homes? Planning is carried out to make sure demand can be met and assurance was given that there were sufficient beds available.

·         What criteria is used to classify a ‘Carer’. DWP use a very specific criteria to decide on the award of Carers Allowance but the Council use the definition contained in The Care Act 2014.



The Committee discussed the latest Adult Social Care budget report and noted the details. 

The Committee noted the Adult Social Care Performance report and were please to commend Somerset Direct for the support this first point of contact gives in resolving so many queries without the need for further costed or statutory service from the Council.

The Committee agreed that the Winter Planning information could be raised later or circulated to the Committee.

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