Agenda item
2023/24 Children's Services - Budget Monitoring
To consider PowerPoint presentation.
Note – the Chair will allow 45 minutes for this agenda item.
The Committee received a presentation on the 23/24 Children’s Services budget as at the end of July 2023 (Month 4).
The 23/24 Children’s Services (General Fund) has a net budget of £123.1m and has forecast overspend of £8.8m (7.1% of budget). This variance is in External Placements. The full year projection is £131.9m. The key cost drivers, risks, issues and opportunities were highlighted.
Referenced the Dedicated Schools Grant (DGS) which has £14.1m forecast in year deficit; cumulative £34.8m deficit. The key cost drivers including with the High Needs Block, risks, issues and opportunities were highlighted.
The Committee asked a number of questions and made a number of comments and that going forward the information be provided in advance of the meeting.
The Committee received a presentation from the Council’s Strategic Manager, Finance Business Partnering, Sian Kenny, on the 23/24 Children’s Services budget as at the end of July 2023 (Month 4).
Ms Kenny outlined that the 23/24 Children’s Services (General Fund) has a net budget of £123.1m and has forecast overspend of £8.8m (7.1% of budget). This variance is in External Placements. The full year projection is £131.9m. The key cost drivers, risks, issues, and opportunities were highlighted.
Ms Kenny also referenced the Dedicated Schools Grant (DGS) which has £14.1m forecast in year deficit; cumulative £34.8m deficit. The key cost drivers including with the High Needs Block, risks, issues, and opportunities were highlighted.
The Committee asked a number of questions and made a number of comments which were responded to at the meeting, as follows:
· Clarification on the 23/24 DSG key cost drivers and the total number of EHC Plans (slide 10) – confirmed that the number referred to active ones in place in Somerset; the need is coming from young people; each plan is subject to annual review;
· School transport (mainstream and SEN) (slide 8) and when will the Committee be provided with the report from the review, as had been promised at the last meeting of the Committee – officers apologised for the delay in providing this and that it will be shared following the meeting;
· With reference to the actions being undertaken by DMT’s (slide 13), and the authorisation of social care packages, would like more information on that especially around respite provision and what means; would also like more information on the diagnostic review of Children’s Services; the High Needs overspend is major issue for Somerset – in response to the points it was explained that the 55 local authorities that were part of the delivering better value (DBV) programme received £1m grant each (irrelevant of the size of the local authority / needs). That was received at the start of this financial year and there is an Inclusion Transformation programme and the projects in the programme are being developed; noted there is a plan to bring the CS transformation programme at the November meeting of the Committee; the DBV programme is a national programme and is cross cutting. Referred to the all-member briefing on education finance which is being repeated on 14 September – the invitation will be shared with the co-opted members on the Committee as well. A briefing note on decision making for social care packages will be shared.
· Need to ensure keep children and young people are at heart of all decisions; question on the General Fund income budget (on slide 5) – agreed with comment that keep children and young people at centre; the £89.0m income budget is a mix; reference made to overachievement of savings through homes and horizons and recognise efforts of staff and team as a whole; are using every opportunity to get funding from DfE and are pursuing a number of avenues. The overspend detailed on this slide (slide 5) is being driven by external placements (£8.8m forecast overspend).
In conclusion: -
· It was noted that children’s mental health issues will be considered at the January meeting of the Committee.
· With regard to EHCP’s, the Chair asked that a paper be circulated, explaining how they come about, process, numbers and secondly asked for a written report about the IMPOWER early intervention and support / diagnostic review.
· The Chair asked that the next presentation / report include a table showing the current position (so shows where ‘are’ currently); it is welcome that ‘risks’ are being identified but need more information / detail so the Committee can delve deeper.
· The Chair thanked officers for the detailed presentation and asked that going forward the information be provided in advance of the meeting, particularly as the information is so complex.
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