Agenda item

Planning Application 3/26/21/002 - Land North of Huish Lane, Washford

To consider an outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 8 No. dwellings (amended scheme to 3/26/19/024).




That planning application 3/26/21/002 for outline approval with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 8 No. dwellings (amended scheme to 3/26/19/024) on Land north of Huish Lane, Washford be APPROVED subject to conditions as detailed in the Agenda report, and a Section 106 agreement for affordable housing to provide either a financial contribution of £487,038 in lieu of affordable housing on site or provide 3 discounted open market properties at 40% discount from open market value in perpetuity.


(Voting; 8 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)



The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a power point presentation.  He provided the following comments including:


·         Explained the reason as to why the original application was deferred was to assess the sustainability of Washford village and whether it met policy requirement.

·         Confirmed that members should now consider this application afresh.

·         Revision of initial site with omission of two units, application now proposed for 8 dwellings.

·         History of refused application in 2019 for 14 dwellings.

·         Highlighted the proposed access of the site.


He also referred to the key considerations and explained that Washford has been identified in local plan for future limited development and that the site was within walkable distance of local facilities.  He also explained the proposal was deemed acceptable regarding impact on the setting of listed building, character and appearance of the area, the proposed access and associated movements on nearby highways and impact upon residential amenity.  The recommendation was therefore for approval subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement to provide affordable housing.


The agent then addressed the committee.  Some of his comments included:

·         Proposal would provide a sustainable development and in accordance with policy for sustainability housing.

·         Referred to the deferred application and the reason to review Washford as a primary settlement that can now be demonstrated.

·         This proposal has addressed concerns raised from the previous 2019 refused application.

·         Noted no objections from technical consultees.

·         Proposal will provide affordable housing.

·         Help support the local facilities.


Cllr Mandy Chilcott addressed the committee to raise comments and concerns regarding the application on behalf of Old Cleeve Parish Council who were unable to attend the meeting. Some of these comments included:

·         Disappointed that no further contact had been made with the parish council to seek further local views which would help to assist and demonstrate the sustainability of Washford village.

·         Referred to a local survey undertaken which they believe demonstrates the lack of local services available with high reliance on the car for travel with limited bus services. 

·         Did not consider Washford to be a sustainable location given the evidence gathered and that the Parish Council objection remained.


The Planning Officer responded to technical questions and specific points of detail raised by Members including:

·         Confirmed that the Highways Authority had raised no objection to the proposed access of the site and explained the process of adoption of roads or future management.   The internal road layout would be considered at the reserve matters stage.

·         Explained how the local plan seeks to control primary and secondary settlement boundaries and whether the land is suitable and supportive of housing development subject to criteria being met.

·         Confirmed the Section 106 agreement would look to secure three affordable units or significant financial contribution to deliver within the same catchment area.

·         Clarified the width of the proposed access which is sufficient for passing vehicles and pedestrian access.

·         Currently cannot impose or control zero carbon build, only to ensure buildings meet current building control requirements.

·         Ultimately the developer would decide the most viable option whether to deliver affordable housing units or a financial contribution.  In his opinion he felt it was more likely to be delivered onsite although this cannot be guaranteed.

·         Policy does require sites to have safe and easy access and believe site is accessible and walkable to local services.

·         Believe small controlled incremental growth will help sustain and benefit existing local village facilities.


During members discussion, comments raised included:


·         Felt 8 dwellings to be an acceptable number on the site.

·         Would prefer the delivery of affordable housing units onsite rather than a financial contribution which could be used elsewhere and not benefit the local area.

·         Raised concern regarding the safe and easy access of the site.

·         Acknowledged the concerns regarding sustainability but that there were no planning policy reasons to refuse the application.

·         Believe the development would help and contribute to the future sustainability of the village.


In agreement with the Chair, the agent then raised two points of clarification being:

·         That shared access was permitted under the Highway Authority guidance that can be adopted.

·         Another nearby application at Williton would provide extra funding to help secure future bus services in the area.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Steven Pugsley and seconded by Councillor Sarah Wakefield to approve the application as per the Planning Officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote the proposal was carried by 8 votes in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention.   




That planning application 3/26/21/002 for outline approval with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 8 No. dwellings (amended scheme to 3/26/19/024) on Land north of Huish Lane, Washford be APPROVED subject to conditions as detailed in the Agenda report, and a Section 106 agreement for affordable housing to provide either a financial contribution of £487,038 in lieu of affordable housing on site or provide 3 discounted open market properties at 40% discount from open market value in perpetuity.


(Voting; 8 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstentions)


Supporting documents: